• You are anti-sj/transphobic/racist/homophobic/etc. Any of that freak shit.
  • I don't know why Transformers randos keep following and I doubt this is gonna deter them but if you're some random person following me just cause you think I like Transformers can you not please. I don't like Transformers anymore.
  • You in anyway associate with Zaid, their friendgroup, or even like their art and follow them for it.
  • You ship weird shit like Frans, Fontcest, Mettablook, etc. Outta my swamp, outta my swamp.
  • You're under 16
  • You’re Mormon
  • You’re weird about furries (no this isn’t a furryphobia thing. I like furries a lot and will get upset if people mock me for it)
jan 23 2020 ∞
jan 23 2020 +
  • Pretty much just Undertale?
  • Yea just Undertale and Deltarune
  • Furries but I post about that on another Twitter account
apr 13 2017 ∞
jan 23 2020 +
oct 17 2016 ∞
jan 23 2020 +

♔ Spin or Alex, most call me Spin ♔

♔ 21 ♔

♔ He/Him ♔

♔ Bigender lesbian* ♔

♔ Butch ♔

♔ White ♔

♔ Autistic, ADHD, and Schizophrenic ♔

♔ Chronic pain ♔

♔ Pagan witch ♔

♔ Furry ♔

♔ I really, really like Mettaton ♔

♔ I wuv Jude! ♔

oct 17 2016 ∞
jan 23 2020 +
  • Cishet aces aren't LGBT
  • Queer is a slur, like it or not. Using it as a catchall umbrella term is bad.
  • Lesbians don't have to use she, and using he doesn't mean they're actually trans men or hurting trans men or whatever. Stop blaming your problems on us.
  • Butch and Femme are lesbian exclusive terms. It is not a TERF rhetoric or whatever y'all are trying to call it. TERFS hate butches and wanted to get rid of the butch/femme spectrum entirely, stop using TERF as a catchall for "LGBT person with an opinion about community issues I disagree with".
  • If you seriously harass a person for liking a flawed character, villain character, etc. and claim they have "no morals" because they like a fake person from story. You need to step back from the internet. If you think you're morally superior to s...
jan 23 2020 ∞
jan 23 2020 +

Sorting my animal specific opinions into it's own group because I have a lot of them because hey, I care about this stuff! A lot! And having hard opinions on this just means I care a lot about animals, not that I'm heartless and cruel. If you disagree with any of these we probably aren’t going to get along.

  • I'm extremely anti-vegan movement. Vegans honestly do more harm to the environment, and themselves, than people with regular diets. And aren't harm reducing anything by refusing to eat a cheeseburger.
  • Cows aren't suffering. And we aren't evil awful people for breeding livestock. Everything dies, and cows have a very easy life before slaughter. There are valid concerns to the pork and poultry industry but deleting them entirely isn't going to fix anything.
  • Animal welfare is more important than jus...
jan 23 2020 ∞
jan 30 2020 +

I ask that you please warn for the following things

Catchall is "Spin don't look"

  • Mormons/Mormonism
  • Cats being hurt or killed. (This includes wild cats, and big cats. Not just pet cats.)
  • Deep water
  • Man made objects underwater (can tag as deep water)
oct 17 2016 ∞
jan 23 2020 +

♔ Alt twitter accounts ♔

@chlmeracon (Furry/Art account)

@r0b0tmeat - NSFW / me gushing about Mettaton because I’m too shy for main

♔ Other sites ♔

Tumblr: kingmettaton

FurAffinity: Chimeracon

oct 17 2016 ∞
jan 23 2020 +