- 撒哈拉的故事 (Stories from the Sahara) by Sanmao
- 活着 (To Live) by Yu Hua
- 哈利波特与魔法石 (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) 330
- 哈利波特与密室 (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) 421
- 哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) 448
- 金阁寺 (Temple of the Golden Pavilion) by Yukio Mishima 650
- 假面的告白 (Confessions of a Mask) by Yukio Mishima 489
- 人类简史 (Sapiens) by Yuval Noah Harari 1360
- 午后曳航 (The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea) by Yukio Mishima 470
- 呐喊 (Call to Arms) by Lu Xun 243
- 洛丽塔 (Lolita) by Vladimir Nabokov 1044
- 美国反对美国 (America vs America) by Wang Huning 982
total words looked up = 6,437 goal words looked up 20,000