- replace this text with your list
- begin each item with an asterisk
nov 25 2022 ∞ nov 25 2022 +
- fairies
- virgo chasing after pisces and aries
- three pisces women???
- poseidon - i ching hex 51
- pygmalion and aphrodite - love in imagination
dec 4 2021 ∞ dec 4 2021 +
- write and illustrate a book (many books)
- have a music career
- creative direct and produce a girl group
- run my own magazine
- have a franchise
jul 27 2021 ∞ jul 27 2021 +
- skin tint in g9 (?)
- boy brow in clear
- if these are good then: lash slick, lip gloss in clear
(already own a poss. ok concealer)
jun 22 2021 ∞ jun 22 2021 +
only screen time permitted is for:
- reading ebooks
- writing and doing book research (in timed increments)
- watching films (pre-1980, one per day), logging on lbd and spreadsheet
- working or attending work/school meetings
- checking email
- listography (tasks and happy things lists)
when not doing these things, offscreen ideas include:
- drawing/painting
- going outside
- reading
- showering
- crocheting
- diarying
close laptop off when idle or eating; hav...
jun 11 2021 ∞ jun 11 2021 +
- got my first paying job
- got interviewed by a Big Magazine
- got a 1:1 on my Hist Ling essay
- had someone confess to stalking me (is this good?)
- got offered a scholarship for having good grades
- formulated an idea for my book
may 25 2021 ∞ may 25 2021 +
- first draw out thumbnails
- then charcoal 'cartoon'
may 22 2021 ∞ may 22 2021 +
- romantic
- maenad with rabbit familiar
- true winter -> crimson base type (+ rose, slavic, crystal)
color your style
- essence colour (quiet, vulnerable, intimate, version of white): rose beige??
- romantic colour: pantone orange 021c
- dramatic colour (power, charisma, authority, version of blue): pantone 7678c (purple)
- energy colour: juniper green
- tranquil colour: olive green
three bases
- first base (most formal): black, slightly green undertones
- second base (less formal): dark chocolate brown
- third base (least formal): chestnut brown...
may 18 2021 ∞ may 19 2021 +
(kibbe romantic)
- tops
- white blouse (ruffled! lacy! 70s!) ➞
- black blouse (victorian) ➞
- bottoms
- dresses
- shoes
- black trainers ➞ ?
- wearable closed toe heels ➞
- high boots ➞
- accessories
- things i want but don't need:
apr 20 2021 ∞ may 3 2021 +
- read 200 chinese books
- including these topics:
- social etiquette
- science and technology
- arts
- physical education
- psychology
- linguistics
- economics
- politics
- law
- philosophy
- history
- religion
- academic research
- policies + regulations
- listen to chinese podcasts
- 圆桌子?
apr 11 2021 ∞ apr 11 2021 +
- adam smith
- albert camus
- alexander the great
- aristotle
- barthes
- buddha
- c.s. lewis
- chaucer
- clausewitz
- copernicus
- dante
- darwin
- derrida
- descartes
- emile zola
- freud
- galileo
- gandhi
- george bernard shaw
- goethe
- habermas
feb 6 2021 ∞ feb 6 2021 +
- neologisms in chinese
- 60s hk melodrama
- syntactic structure of chinese jokes
feb 1 2021 ∞ feb 3 2021 +
- all mandarin films with jenny hu
- all mandarin films with lily ho
- all mandarin films dir. li han-hsiang
jan 27 2021 ∞ jan 27 2021 +
- to read 100 books (just in 2021)
- to have seen 5 films from each year 1930-1979
- to have seen 10 films from each year 1930-1979
- ten books from the 'very short introductions' series per month, to be picked at random (200 in all)
- to watch 100 chinese films
- to read 50 chinese books
- to listen to 500 osts
jan 16 2021 ∞ feb 13 2021 +
- 鲁迅 《热风)随感录二十五》《朝花夕拾》
- 张爱玲 《姑姑语录》
- 丰子恺 《给我的孩子们》
- 周作人 《北京的茶食》
- 汪曾祺 《五味》《人间草木》
dec 27 2020 ∞ dec 27 2020 +
- nina hagen best singer
- azealia banks best lyricist
- loona best girl group
- you can't change your sex
- surrogacy should not be legal
- the government should outlaw prostitution but only penalise pimps/buyers and give prostitutes a safe way out with financial and occupational help and counselling
- the alternative sexual landscape as a whole is awful and totally cringe but fetish iconography is really cool
- but there should absolutely not be a social movement based around fetishists or 'kinksters' (vomit) because then they're just ruining the whole thing for themselves lol. if people accept your deviancy then it's not deviant any more. 'cute' fetishists are disgusting. have some shame if it turns you on so much
- actors should not be allowed social media...
dec 6 2020 ∞ apr 10 2021 +
- everything: a short introduction
- history of africa
- indian philosphy: a short introduction
- islamic history: a short introduction
- judaism: a short introduction
- modern ireland: a short introduction
oct 30 2020 ∞ oct 30 2020 +
- bones in body
- muscles in body
- nerves in body
- flags of world
- capitals of world
- biology prefixes and suffixes
- natural laws named after people
- nobel winners: peace, medicine, physics, literature
- world leaders: current, historic
- people in russell's history of western philosophy
sep 7 2020 ∞ sep 11 2020 +
- drawing
- old films
- modern and ancient languages
- reading
- knitting
- basic coding
- yoga
in the future
- electronic music production
- crochet (amigurumi)
- sewing my own clothes
- guqin
aug 27 2020 ∞ aug 27 2020 +
- ultimate goal: mandarin chinese fluency - pass hsk6 +
- short(er) term goals:
- learn all poems on saved list
- learn hs6 vocab (written)
- read at least 2 chinese books a month (when back to uni)
- short term goals:
- get into a cpop group and watch all their content
- finish current chinese book 饥饿的山村
- finish a chinese drama
- learn vocab for next chinese class
- copy down hellotalk corrections and study
- cefr: currently between b1 and b2 :( my goal is to get comfortably to b2! i need to get back into the language big-time and...
aug 11 2020 ∞ aug 21 2020 +
- maintain my friendships - reach out to new friends regularly, organise meetups irl and online, prioritise my social circle above all else. could even make a list of friends and ensure i keep in contact with everyone
- become a better conversationalist, ask more than i answer
- read around my subject - choose and read relevant books regularly
- join societies - become very active when this starts up online and resolve to chase this up irl
- talk to people in my classes
how to maintain friendships:
- text regularly
- vocalise appreciation
- remember birthdays
- offer help
- ask for advice
jul 8 2020 ∞ jul 8 2020 +
apr 1 2022 ∞ apr 1 2022 +
- very focused artist, treating art like a full-time job in a desperate attempt to reach my full potential
- weird student with unexplained chinese proficiency
- 60s beatnik
- obsessive clout chaser and emailer
- forbidden 20th century knowledge holder
aug 25 2021 ∞ aug 25 2021 +
- shoe: uk 2-3, euro 35-36, us 4-5
jul 3 2021 ∞ jul 3 2021 +
- 墨香同修 - 魔道祖师 (original web novel the untamed is based on)
- eileen chang - half a lifelong romance (半生缘)
- eileen chang - love in a fallen city (倾城之恋)
- 寻找母亲 (please look after mother)
- 素食者 (the vegetarian)
- 细雪 (the makioka sisters)
- 枕草子 (the pillow book)
- 源氏物语 (the tale of genji)
- 人间便利店 (convenience store woman)
- 金瓶梅
- 新世纪爱情故事 (love in the new millennium) by can xue (+ others from this author)
- wolf totem (狼图腾) by jiang rong
- any by kenzaburo oe 大江健三郎
jun 24 2021 ∞ jun 24 2021 +
- 撒哈拉的故事 (Stories from the Sahara) by Sanmao
- 活着 (To Live) by Yu Hua
- 哈利波特与魔法石 (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) 330
- 哈利波特与密室 (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) 421
- 哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) 448
- 金阁寺 (Temple of the Golden Pavilion) by Yukio Mishima 650
- 假面的告白 (Confessions of a Mask) by Yukio Mishima 489
- 人类简史 (Sapiens) by Yuval Noah Harari 1360
- 午后曳航 (The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea) by Yukio Mishima 470
- 呐喊 (Call to Arms) by Lu Xun 243
- 洛丽塔 (Lolita) by Vladimir Nabokov 1044
jun 15 2021 ∞ nov 15 2021 +
- manuela von meinhardis = 'vanished minor alumnae'
- laura prepon = 'near popular' ('Limited partnerships befuddle near-popular actress. (5, 6)')
- dorothea wieck = 'hotcake weirdo'
- nina hagen = 'a henna-ing'
- marquis de sade = 'dadaism queers', 'masquerades id'
- joseph losey = 'hopeless joy'
- greta gustafsson = 'saunters faggots'
- ernst lubitsch = 'butler's snitch'
- christa winsloe = 'realistic shown', 'clarities shown', 'historical news', 'stoical whiners', 'clownish satire'
- dante alighieri = 'genitalia hider'
may 25 2021 ∞ nov 23 2021 +
goal: read 100 articles in chinese from (any) section, save words in a pleco folder
- sohu: 中国丁克家庭已超60万,为何越来越多的年轻人选择丁克?
- chinanews: 中国成欧盟最大贸易伙伴:在“最坏时代”逆势前行
- qq: 老龄化遇上少子化,生育能全面放开吗?
- qq: 猪茅闪崩!“猪肉自由”回归,猪企凛冬将至,护盘模式开启
- qq: “造纸厂停产”上热搜背后:涨价潮来袭,纸价直逼猪肉价
- qq: 为什么华为总给人要造车的“错觉”?
- qq: 包商银行原董事长“围猎”监管:领导,你给我们撑住腰,老了一块玩
- qq: 年轻人都在逃离的东三省,成了房企的热门地?...
may 24 2021 ∞ jun 5 2021 +
- each task crossed off is 1 point. you can also have half and quarter points (divide tasks appropriately)
- tasks can be chosen tactically or randomly
- the most productive day is 10 points
categories and sample tasks
- work
- work a shift
- attend a meeting
- language
- read in target language (for an hour, or until encountering 100 new words)
- practice manchu vocabulary
- read 3 articles in chinese (qq, etc)
- creative
may 19 2021 ∞ may 25 2021 +
- capricorn
- marlene dietrich
- dorothea wieck
- edwige fenech
- christa winsloe
- pisces
- laura prepon
- nina hagen
- elizabeth taylor
- aries
- mina mazzini
- camille paglia
- joan crawford
- liu lan-hsi
- gemini
- azealia banks
- monica vitti
may 2 2021 ∞ nov 23 2021 +
- eventual goals:
- live by a canal
- meet dream vampire wife
- high-flying legal job
- trilingual
- well-known writer, illustrator and blogger
- to research
- process of getting legal qualifications - how long to qualify?
- 2021 - age 19-20
- give up kpop, ff, ct
- read 50 chinese books
- read 5 books about law ready for legal course
- post more on blog (every week) ✔️
- update clothes
- start to write book - 10,000 words ✔️...
apr 28 2021 ∞ sep 9 2021 +
- you can assign properties to things by making a graph and seeing which edges/vertices are where??? (is this called graph theory????)
apr 12 2021 ∞ apr 12 2021 +
- central ratings system
- books + films + music releases + tv + video games all in one
- your profile shows 5 favourites and 5 most recent for all categories
- can link (voluntarily) to spotify, netflix, other streaming services, also ereader platforms to automatically add what you've read, seen or listened to
- can create multimedia lists
- can create and aggregate academic book lists (free education) - curate into masterlists equivalent to entire degrees worth of reading
- can create lists of citations within a book (makes proper scholarship easier) - eg. navigate to an academic book's page and in the sidebar there'll be a list with all the books linked, and their respective pages - click on them and see what's cited there, and so on
feb 21 2021 ∞ feb 21 2021 +
- how to read a book - m.j adler
- a mind for numbers - oakley
- an introduction to english grammar - greenbaum and nelson
- creative and critical thinking - moore
- classical rhetoric for the modern student - corbett
- the oxford essential guide to writing - kane
- the art of fiction - lodge
- pre-calculus - stitz and zeager
- music in theory and practice - benward
- the interpretation of cultures - geertz
- improve your social skills - wendler
- how to speak, how to listen - adler
feb 3 2021 ∞ feb 3 2021 +
feb 1 2021 ∞ feb 1 2021 +
dec 30 2020 ∞ jan 6 2021 +
- ancient babylon
- jewish history
- linguistics and humour
- psychoanalysis
jan 16 2021 ∞ jan 21 2021 +
- lauren bacall
- marlene dietrich
- nina foch
- kay francis
- marilyn monroe
- claudia cardinale
- romy schneider
- bette davis
- bebe daniels
- li han-hsiang
- vincente minnelli
- michael curtiz
- douglas sirk
- stanley donen
- victor fleming
- josef von sternberg
- ernst lubitsch
- george cukor
dec 17 2020 ∞ dec 22 2020 +
nov 11 2020 ∞ nov 12 2020 +
- write instructional book on reading/appreciation of tang/song poetry for eng-speaking chinese learners
- legal interpreter
- translator
- artist
- illustrate books
- ancient language reconstruction
sep 11 2020 ∞ nov 8 2020 +
1. those who started a new chapter of history
- earliest to unite the chinese people, huangdi
- the gentleman king who kicked off the western zhou, ji fa/wu of zhou
- the emperor to unite six kingdoms, ying zheng/qin shihuang
- from a delinquent to a founding emperor, liu che/wu of han
- ruler of zhenguan, li shimin/tang taizong
- the first female emperor in history, wu zetian
- the model of a humanist king, zhao kuangyin/song taizu
- rebel hero, zhu yuanzhang/hongwu emperor
- the country's father, sun yat-sen
- creator of the prc, mao zedong
- strategist of the revolution, deng xiaoping
2. pivotal kings and emperors who earned a name for themselves
sep 1 2020 ∞ sep 2 2020 +
visual artists
- peter paul rubens
- henri de toulouse-lautrec
- edgar degas
- federico fellini
- josef von sternberg
- clarence sinclair bull
- pierre et gilles
aug 22 2020 ∞ aug 22 2020 +
- how the internet works
- what http is
- how browsers work
- how dns works
- domain name
- hosting
- basics
- forms/validations
- conventions and best practices
- basics
- layouts
- floats
- positioning
- display
- box model
- css grid
jul 12 2020 ∞ jul 12 2020 +
cards i own
- a1128-11 (dorothea wieck, 1939)
- 61/2 (dorothea wieck, 1926)
- dorothea wieck: any but specifically the four 'anna und elisabeth' cards
- greta garbo: queen christina-related
- hertha schiele: anna und elisabeth-related
- magda schneider: any
- lida baarova: any
- marlene dietrich: any
- joan crawford: any
jul 2 2020 ∞ jul 8 2020 +
- the wreck of the deutschland - gerard manley hopkins
- that nature is a heraclitean fire and of the comfort of resurrection - gerard manley hopkins
may 24 2020 ∞ may 24 2020 +
- general philosophy (oxford)
- financial markets (yale)
- tang poetry (national taiwan university)
in the future - personal
in the future - to complement degree
may 15 2020 ∞ sep 7 2020 +
- 男天使 - 雪米莉 (简体)
- 蝶神 - 张君默 (简体)
- 人,啊,人! - 戴厚英 (简体)
- 爱的深渊- 李云儿 (繁体)
- 饥饿的山村
- 活着
- 撒哈拉的故事
- 哈利波特第一册
- 哈利波特第二册
- 哈利波特第三册
- 金阁寺
unfinished, return to when speed improves: 红楼梦 (十七回)
jan 11 2020 ∞ apr 13 2021 +
- replace this text with your list
- begin each item with an asterisk
apr 9 2022 ∞ apr 9 2022 +
monthly goals
- read 3 books in chinese
- read 8 books in english
- watch 30 films
- drive 15 hours
- spend 30 hours on writing
- produce 20 illustrations
nov 1 2021 ∞ nov 1 2021 +
- verso books every student should read
- imagined communities
- minima moralia
- the origin of capitalism (wood)
- aesthetics and politics
- democracy against capitalism
- critique of everyday life
- the left hemisphere (keucheyan)
- if they come in the morning...
- fortunes of feminism
- a companion to marx's capital
- read while editing my book
- the divine comedy
- paradise lost
- the faerie queene
- r/sorceryofthespectacle reading list in order
- society of the spectacle: guy debord
sep 7 2021 ∞ sep 9 2021 +
aug 20 2021 ∞ aug 22 2021 +
- edwige
- ludmilla
- edelgarde
jul 26 2021 ∞ aug 3 2021 +
- 50s/60s lounge music
- 60s fashion photography
- 70s typesetting
- aespa
- agglutinative morphology
- alfred hitchcock
- azealia banks
- belladonna of sadness (film)
- books
- camille paglia
- chinese book covers
- chinese characters
- chinese tomb pottery
- chinese verbs
- courtney love
- dioramas
- dolls houses
- drawing
- edwige fenech
- elizabeth taylor
- emojis
jul 1 2021 ∞ dec 29 2021 +
- i can do these things already:
- draw competently, quickly and realistically from observation
- i want to be able to:
- select automatically interesting and harmonious colour palettes with fluency
- select optimal compositions
- reliably depict different facial expressions etc. from memory
- render objects realistically or semi-realistically from memory
- draw people (and animals other than horses) from my imagination in full-body and varied poses (not just 3/4 of head, no sameface)
- create my own detailed visual worlds
- solve artistic problems
- resources to follow:
jun 20 2021 ∞ jun 21 2021 +
- 梁文道:290. 80年前的教育什么样?悼念章开沅与何兆武先生
- 梁文道:288. 当代青年有"躺平自由"吗?
- 梁文道:287. 白银越野跑惨剧,是怎么发生的?
- 286. 新垣结衣结婚:艺人为什么会成为"国民老婆"?
- 294.《困在时间里的父亲》为什么值得看?
jun 7 2021 ∞ jun 19 2021 +
days: 38
- dates
- june 2-4: chinese exam
- july 2, 3:30pm: theory test
- goals
- 100 chinese articles read
- continue building up story, fill out oc profiles
- read gurney book
- 10hr theory revision (look at clips on gov website)
- standards
- consistent midnight bedtime
- consistent 8 am wake up
- 10 activity points per day
- 1 film per night
may 25 2021 ∞ may 25 2021 +
- purposefully seeking out intellectual/political discomfort
- taking charge of your own education/health
- not being a fan or involved in fandom
may 21 2021 ∞ may 21 2021 +
sample day plan
- 2h work
- 3h writing
- 3h art
- films + reading until bed
- plan, write and illustrate complete book (epic poem)
- 60 illustrations
- look for publisher
- get 100 rejection letters
- watch one film every single day june-next sept
may 3 2021 ∞ may 27 2021 +
- budka suflera
- collage
- coven
- essaie pas
- gandalf
- ike & tina turner
- jean-pierre massiera
- jefferson airplane (grace slick)
- kamuran akkor
- kristine sparkle
- midnight runners
- onyx
- pyewackett
- ramirez
- romie singh
- shocking blue
- ten years after
- vanusa
- xmal deutschland
- 包美聖
- 慧敏 (vivian chow)
may 1 2021 ∞ may 31 2021 +
- live near river/waterfront
- art nouveau house
- social media or random internet usage at 0
- spend most free time reading/on creative pursuits
- will have written/illustrated a book
- will have passed hsk9
- at least trilingual
- no idea what's going on in wider world or in politics, never reads news
- sew all my own clothes
apr 17 2021 ∞ may 3 2021 +
- lenin
- stalin
- trotsky
- mussolini
- marx
- cixi
- queen christina
- catherine the great
- william blake
- teddy roosevelt
mar 20 2021 ∞ may 24 2021 +
in progress for the next decade or so lol before I make a massive 4chan-style infographic. everything is chronological
- nina hagen band - nina hagen band (1978)
- angstlos - nina hagen (1983)
- pretty on the inside - hole (1991)
- live through this - hole (1994)
- celebrity skin - hole (2000)
- rbb - red velvet (2018)
- xx - loona (2019)
- madchen in uniform (1931)
- the scarlet empress (1934)
feb 4 2021 ∞ feb 4 2021 +
- albert camus
- medieval britain
- fire
- modern drama
- the devil
- accounting
- genomics
- the history of physics
- engels
- poetry
feb 1 2021 ∞ feb 1 2021 +
- 孑孓
- 凹凸
- 匍匐
- 趔趄
- 乒乓
- 曱甴
- 蚯蚓
- 蜉蝣
- 蜘蛛
- 囹圄
- 囫囵
- 园囿
- 缱绻
- 迎迓
- 徘徊
- 忐忑
- 怂恿
- 酩酊
- 贿赂
- 旮旯
- 龃龉
jan 15 2021 ∞ mar 11 2025 +
accents (general)
- glasgow
- transatlantic
- new jersey
- lauren bacall
- joan crawford
- greta garbo
dec 26 2020 ∞ dec 26 2020 +
learn the biggest literary language for each civ.
- western civilisation
- latin american civilisation
- orthodox
- latin? old church slavonic?
- eastern
- buddhist
- sanskrit? classical chinese? pali?
- confucian
- hindu
nov 16 2020 ∞ nov 16 2020 +
- adorno: minima moralio
- baudrillard: simulacra and simulation
- bourdieu: distinction
- lasch: culture of narcissism
oct 18 2020 ∞ oct 18 2020 +
greek civilisation and the classical liberal arts
sep 2 2020 ∞ sep 5 2020 +
- czech poster aesthetic
- cultural accumulation: discuss media + history thematically from ancient times to present day
- 'zarah' by nina hagen
- easily flammable and explosive by chen li
titles episodes
- synchronised dancing
- why do 60s movies look so different
- fire worship
jul 12 2020 ∞ jul 12 2020 +
- "Värmlandsvisan", (arr, Westberg)
- "Allegro Vivace nr. 1", (Langey)
- a piece from "Herr Arnes Pengar"
- a piece from "Episod", (Alexandersson)
- a piece from "Svit nr. 3", (Mussorgskij)
- "Bellmanssång", (Järnefelt)
- "Den eldröda blomman", (Järnefelt)
- "Adagio Pathétique", (Godard)
- a piece from "Svansjön" ("Swan Lake")
- "Symfony Pathétique No. 6", (Tchaikovsky)
- "Romeo and Juliet", (Tchaikovsky)
- a piece from "Rigadon de Dardanus", (Rameau)
- "Meditation", (Borch)
- "Prelude", (Järnefelt)
- "Dramatic Tension", (Audino)
- a piece from "Masquerade nr 1; 3;", (Lacome)
- "Contredance", (Beethoven)
jul 2 2020 ∞ jul 2 2020 +
- ravel/mussorgsky - pictures at an exhibition (1874)
may 24 2020 ∞ may 24 2020 +
- watch a film made in a different language you don't speak, use target lang for subtitles
- do an online course in your target language from coursera, edx etc. (bonus: make and study flashcards in target lang)
- do duolingo FROM your target language to a third language
- research and cook recipes written in target language
may 18 2020 ∞ may 18 2020 +
- Classic of Changes or I Ching (易經 Yìjīng)
- Book of Documents (書經 Shūjīng)
- Classic of Poetry (詩經 Shījīng)
- The Three Ritual Classics (三禮 Sānlǐ)
- Rites of Zhou (周禮 Zhōulǐ)
- Ceremonies and Rites (儀禮 Yílǐ)
- Book of Rites (禮記 Lǐjì)
- "Great Learning" chapter (大學 "Dà Xué")
- "Doctrine of the Mean" chapter (中庸 "Zhōng Yōng")
- The Three Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals
- The Commentary of Zuo (左傳 Zuǒzhuàn)
- The Commentary of Gongyang (公羊傳 Gōngyáng Zhuàn)
- The Commentary of Guliang (穀梁傳 Gǔl...
apr 23 2020 ∞ apr 28 2020 +
- 《将进酒》·李白
- 《水调歌头》·苏轼
- 《沁园春·雪》·毛泽东
- 《长恨歌》·白居易
- 《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》·苏轼
- 《虞美人》·李煜
- 《天净沙·秋思》·马致远
- 春江花月夜·张若虚
- 《离骚》·屈原
- 《静夜思》·李白 ✓
- 《蜀道难》·李白
- 《短歌行》其一·曹操
- 《琵琶行》·白居易
- 《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》·辛弃疾
- 《饮酒》·陶渊明
- 《登高》·杜甫
- 《青玉案·元夕》· 辛弃疾
- 《黄鹤楼》·崔颢
- 《诗经国风.周南》
- 《声声慢》·李清照
jan 27 2020 ∞ aug 18 2020 +