• central ratings system
  • books + films + music releases + tv + video games all in one
  • your profile shows 5 favourites and 5 most recent for all categories
  • can link (voluntarily) to spotify, netflix, other streaming services, also ereader platforms to automatically add what you've read, seen or listened to
  • can create multimedia lists
  • can create and aggregate academic book lists (free education) - curate into masterlists equivalent to entire degrees worth of reading
  • can create lists of citations within a book (makes proper scholarship easier) - eg. navigate to an academic book's page and in the sidebar there'll be a list with all the books linked, and their respective pages - click on them and see what's cited there, and so on
  • for other media, list books that mention them by name
  • offers multimedia recommendations given by other users, eg. they fill out a form and 'expertly' recommend similar media, make user feel like curator
  • default recommendations, eg. for a film, links the ost, source material and spin-offs, other work from the same director, and works from biographies to find work from the director's inner circle (in film, music and literature)
  • visual layout with big images like lbd - make sure images used are from first release or first edition of respective work
  • can use keywords for curation like imdb
  • invitation-only at first
feb 21 2021 ∞
feb 21 2021 +