(not in chronological order)

  • visit Japan
  • breast reduction surgery
  • travel around brazil and some other latin countries
  • pursue a master's degree (or any postgraduate degree) in literature or English
  • live by myself
  • live abroad for at least 6 months
  • wear lolita
  • visit Karenina
jan 3 2016 ∞
dec 30 2023 +
  • Get a "formal" job (CLT!!!! cries in poor brazilian)
  • Write more
    • diary and journal
    • engage in different writing styles, try academic writing as well
  • Learn some gardening
  • Study more and better
    • languages
    • education/pedagogy
    • history, philosophy, psychology
  • Take better care of myself
    • Take care of my skin and hair
  • Be healthier
    • Lose 10kg
  • Dive into some historical/hand sewing projects
nov 23 2023 ∞
dec 5 2023 +
  • Honey and cinnamon nightime drink
  • Tiramisù, almost completely from scratch
  • Macaron
    • tea macaron
  • Chocolate salami
  • Strawberry puff pastry tart
  • Choux cream
  • Hot chocolate and cocoa mix + homemade marshmallows
  • Gyoza (and other dumplings)
nov 25 2023 ∞
dec 1 2023 +
dec 16 2023 ∞
dec 16 2023 +
  • Clothes
  • Accessories
  • Cosmetics
  • Stationary
      • Lots of stuff by Caroline Jamhour
  • Crafting supplies
  • Miscellaneous
      • Red Roof Cosy Cottage Starter Home
      • Midnight cat family
      • Sheep Family
      • Bear family
      • Chocolate rabbit family
      • Spooky Surprise House
      • Lamb plushie
nov 25 2023 ∞
dec 30 2023 +