• if I'm crying for a legitimate reason, he'd hold me and rationalize that my emotional catharsis isn't something to be embarrassed about nor is it something that diminishes my character
  • he'll make me mix CDs and buy me sunflowers and daisies vs. buying me heart shaped chocolates and red roses
  • he'd admit that I have a lot of energy but would show me how to sit still and do nothing with him on occasion
  • he'd take me on dates that fit my life, full of activity, passion, and healthy food
  • he'd never apologize for eating something I couldn't have, but rather would always have something equally delicious for me to snack on
  • he'd never criticize the regimen of eating I have
  • if I was eating too much to a point of getting sick, he would say something
  • if I were exercising too much, he'd say something and tell me to just take a break
  • he'd always be up for sex, but when the moment or time was wrong he'd always stop it
  • when we're watching a movie, rather than hold my hand the whole time, he'd switch between different physical touches (i.e. hand holding, head rubbing, arm around shoulder, tracing his fingers along my hand)
  • he'd appreciate a kiss on the forehead or on the neck just as much as a kiss on the mouth
  • he'd always have me in the back of his mind but would never go a day without making it clear in some small way *he'd always do the dishes and make the bed, knowing they are the house chores I detest the most
  • if I ever did either of those tasks, he'd greatly appreciate it and notice my effort to do him a favor
  • he'd take his relationships and his career in equal stride
  • he'd never accuse me of being high maintenance in a serious sense and would always take pride in my independence and sense of worth and lack of need for constant attention. However, he'd give me attention, not because I need it, but because he knows it will brighten my spirits and make me shine brighter.
  • he'd rather lay in bed and stare deep into my blue eyes than look around the room
  • he'd always answer my questions and fill my head with stories of his childhood, future, plans, and dreams
  • he'd be curious and full of need for adventure and new experiences
  • he takes pride in his fitness and health
  • he'd tell me I'm sexy in my yoga clothes and I'm sexy in my dressed up gowns and clothes and he'd tell me I'm sexiest in nothing at all.
  • he'd understand my curiosity for life and people and would always indulge my fascinations
  • he'd expose me to new hobbies and experiences, even if it isn't a good fit for me
  • he'd take me on dates filled with motion, constant change of positions and places, and comforting food and fabrics
  • he'd always have a condom on hand, and never pressure me to have sex without one
  • he'd never get my name tattooed on his body and would never expect me to get his on my body
  • he'd notice my tramp stamp birth mark and find it ironic
  • he'd ambush me and wall slam me into some serious foreplay regularly
  • he'd take life seriously and understand that what you do in the now matters in the long run but at the same time its pointless to worry about the things in life you cannot change
  • laying in bed watching a marathon of a good tv show and making out is the best way to waste a sunday
oct 10 2010 ∞
dec 27 2010 +