important things for me to remember everyday:

    • i am important. i am beautiful. i love myself and i respect myself more than anything. i understand my failures and accept my mistakes. i learn from them. and i'm always trying to be a better person and to overcome myself. only myself, not anyone else.
    • i need to understand that it's okay sometimes not to be okay. it's okay to feel sad, anxious or angry. because it means i'm alive. it means my body wants me to react, to escape from the bad things. and it's always better than feeling nothing.
    • i overcame depression. of course i am not healed. so i must remember it can always come back. but i am a fighter. i changed. i am not the same person anymore. i am stronger now. i am a survivor and i should be proud of myself.
    • i should never forget my past and where i came from, no matter how far i go. i will always remember the ones that are beside me and had faith in me even when i couldn't believe in myself anymore.
    • i should try to never let anyone take advantage from me. i have that weak spot, that i just can't stand for myself if it means to hurt somebody, or not to do a thing one wants. it only makes things worse. i can't make everyone happy, but i have to find a way to make myself happy. after all, i'm the only one i'll ever be able to count on. i'm the only one who's been there since the start and surely will be till the end.
    • breathe. and cry. cry how much you want to. cry whenever things seem out of control and you want to dig a hole to escape to the other side of the world.
    • don't fucking create so much expectations. this is nearly impossible to me, but it seems i just get disappointed because i always do that. just try to relax and let things go the way they have to.
    • don't try to change for anyone. i shouldn't compare myself to anyone else. and i can't let other people's thoughts hit me. i'm bigger than that, i'm more than what they think of me.
    • i'm so much more than what i show, what people see. i have deep thoughts, i have the most utopic dreams, i have scruciating feelings. i just tend to hide them all.
    • i am so lucky i have so many friends (real friends) that i can't even count them all with both my hands. that's fucking a lot. most of the people i know don't have half the friends i have. it's a bless. i know i changed so much over the past year, and most of them don't even know why, they don't have a clue of the things that happened to my life since then, 'cause some things i just can't tell. but all of them noticed the person i became. honestly i don't know if it's been good or bad in general, but i'm afraid i'll lose them. i don't want that. i need to interact more, keep them closer.
    • i will keep in mind that, look how much you grew up. look how much you've learned, how much you've changed, felt, thought. it's crazy to think i'm not the same person i was a year or two years ago. i'm living alone now, it's good but sometimes it's hard, but i'll keep going. so whenever i'm feeling like a piece of shit, i need to remember i am fucking awesome, 'cause even if i fell so many times (and sometimes so hard), i'm still here. i'll always keep moving.
aug 26 2018 ∞
jan 6 2020 +