important things for me to remember everyday:

  • — it's okay not to achieve a goal in a certain period of time. settling a schedule is important to be organized, but don't feel pressured to do everything in a rush just because they need to be done. you know they need to be done and, sooner or later, you will do it. but you have a personal pace and that's also important. you recognize your own way to do things.
  • — everything must be balanced in your life, except love. that's all you crave for. so love, love, love. love everything and everyone. be kind. be respectful. be humble. let your body channel your inner energy and be a flow of good sensations. just remember that love is an act of altruism. it has nothing to do with what you're going to get back. forget about it and follow your own path. you will find solace in it.
  • — anxiety creeps up then and there. there's a hole and maybe there will always be. but you won't need to know the answer. scratching it makes it a wound.
nov 26 2015 ∞
jan 6 2020 +