Not really sure what any of this really says about me, but here we go anyways


()   SAGILO, the sign of the lofty

      • Friendly and cheerful, their optimism is contagious. Being around a well-adjusted Indigo Sign is always a good time. It's hard not to be drawn into their excitable orbit, just like they are drawn in by anything and everything that piques their interest
      • Marked by a flexible optimism, the personalities of Prospit Dreamers are reactive and intuitive. They solve problems with creativity rather than cold logic, often seeing multiple options with ease and clarity. Naturally trusting, they have trouble with deception or hiding their true selves, and will often worry about what others think of them. The self they project into the world is often not under their control
  • HEART,
      • Those bound to the aspect of Heart are very concerned with their favorite subject: themselves. It wouldn't be a stretch to call them 'self-obsessed', but not necessarily in a negative way. Forging an identity is extremely important to the Heart-bound, and every decision and action goes toward building a coherent narrative of their own story. That isn't to say Heart-bound don't care deeply for their friends and allies; they just have a tendency to assume that everyone is as concerned with identity as they are. They are excellent at putting on and taking off masks as the situation calls for them


()   NEUTRAL EVIL, i didnt pick this...

      • Someone who is aligned with neutral evil will do whatever they can get away with. They are out for themselves, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn't have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. Neutral evil beings consider their alignment to be the best because they can advance themselves without regard for others


()   PHLEGMATIC, temperament

      • Phlegmatic individuals tend to be relaxed, peaceful, quiet, and easy-going. They are sympathetic and care about others, yet they try to hide their emotions. Phlegmatic individuals are also good at generalising ideas or problems to the world and making compromises


()   TYPE 4, individualist

      • Individualists tend to build their identities around their perception of themselves as being somehow different or unique; they are thus self-consciously individualistic


()   BIG FIVE,

  •    58, FACTOR I
  •    4, FACTOR II
  •    71, FACTOR III
  •    12, FACTOR IV
  •    40, FACTOR V



  • 59% CREATIVE  |  24% VISIONARY  |  17% ROYAL
      • The Creative appreciates all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who they are
      • Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built
      • When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work


(❦)   FUCK JKR,

      • she can eat shit, no h*gwarts house here
jan 19 2019 ∞
nov 22 2021 +