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  • A month ago I finally found someone who I thought I could trust again after my last boyfriend, I told him I wanted to be his girlfriend...he told me he couldn't because he wanted to fuck other women. tags: love, heartbroken, sex, trust, same as all the others
  • Lesson Learned: "Open Relationship" = "I'm already seeing someone else." tags: love cheating bullshit
  • After he broke up with me on Valentine's Day, I returned his present and used the money to buy a ton of chocolate and some new shirts. tags: break up relationships dating boyfriend jerk who needs men when you have chocolate
  • When I read her breakup email, the first thought that went through my mind was that I would have to watch this week's episode of Battlestar Galactica all by myself. tags: breakup tv shows bsg
  • Breaking up means deauthorizing two computers for iTunes. tags: breakup linguists itunes
feb 10 2009 ∞
feb 24 2009 +