

  • this site has a whole bunch, with some larger sizes, and is good for bulk orders!


ear flowers

  • dahlias
  • make your own dahlias maybe out of that extra lace, with some black paint for stiffening?
  • burny crinkly flowers- try some spiky shapes in watercolors
  • dye the bought dahlias from michael's burgundy and then take a lighter to the edges of the petals to give them a bit more definition/edge. use watercolors or watery acrylics to tint further if necessary.
  • for the headband, use some of the leftover red lace, stabilize it with black twill, attach dahlias over ears, and then let things drape from beneath them- feathers, sparkly things. sew some bells or those temple point things on top in the back for height. embellish with studs and metal bits. proceed to stick full of pins. bits like this and those silver drops. long teardrops like this maybe.

dramatic black eyeliner

jan 22 2012 ∞
may 9 2015 +