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"Yes, I have doubted. I have wandered off the path, but I always return. It is intuitive, an intrinsic, built-in sense of direction. I seem always to find my way home." -- Helen Hayes

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  • 3rd: | Went driving with Sam around the neighborhood, nearly hit a parked car. Didn't get as discouraged/disappointed about it as I usually do when I make a mistake in driving! | Made a make-shift capo for the guitar we've had for like, two years. Nearly nailed the intro to 'Slow Dancing in a Burning Room', acoustic style thanks to this lovely YouTube tutorial. Happy dance and general spazzing out ensued!
  • 18th: | My Life As Liz premiered on MTV. Wasn't crazy about the depiction of my beloved Burleson at first, still think some of it's inaccurate but have fallen in love with it now. Liz/Bryson FTW. ;)
  • 25th: | "I just don't think I can do this alone." "You don't have to, I'm here. I'm here to support you. I'll be there encouraging you when you walk in the door and waiting when you come out." My Life As Liz S1:E3 | Liz's Got Talent? (Part 1)
  • 29th & 30th: | All Out Student Leadership Summit in Peaster, TX. So much fun! Made new friends, strengthened bonds with old ones. Also discovered that apparently I have no balance skills whatsoever, as I fell/injured myself numerous times. Came away with renewed passion and excitement for what God has in store for me and others.

| MTV Cribs video w/Alex | Playing Mafia, the alliances and backstabbing, gasp. | Yummy pasta! | Impromptu worship/jam/sing-along session on Fri. night in front of the fire | Me getting owned by a beanbag | And the slick van floormats |...And the icy stairs outside | Writing random stories at 4am | Playing B.S. and other card games | Eating a piece of styrofoam on a dare | Amazing morning session/worship time | "I want beef! Not chicken! No cluck cluck. Moo." | Anthony's "What Object Am I Thinking Of?" game...."Does it bring pleasure?" "Is it electronic?" "*everyone dies laughing*" | "They were acting out Bible stories, like from the Bible..." "As opposed to Bible stories not from the Bible?" | "Is Christy ahead of us or in front of us?....Did I just say that?"

  • 31st: | Sitting in the church parking lot in Alex's truck. Random black guy and freaking out. Texting Brandon, calling him to warn of the creeper and him hanging up! Random epic moment with mariachi/serenading!Brandon, Courtney & Michael fighting over almost grand theft auto, random!cat, Manny jumping in the back of the truck, the tampon poking out of my purse.


  • 2nd: | Guitar!surprise! Tackle!hugs! Boy!with!guitar! Necklace!stuck!in!guitar! "You didn't think I was gonna make you go up there alone, did you? I wouldn't do that." My Life As Liz S1:E4 | Liz's Got Talent? (Part 2)
  • 5th: | Went to the mall with the youth family, hung out with Alex, Kels, McAnthony and Sam. Trying on clothes, "It looks like you peed.", redneck!vests, random dancing, "Why is everything fur?". Spent the night with Alex, went to Walmart in pajamas and boots, "Don't stop....CONE!" "I'm still me." "Imma put you in a Hummer and ship you away!"
  • 7th: | Super Bowl Sunday. VIPs @ Rosa's, 'reserved' sign. Decorating, church-wide party. Fun times with friends, lolz drama, being stuck in the middle between Alex, Brandon & McAnthony.
  • 11th: | The day it snowed (almost) a foot in North Texas! Dipping strawberries at the church, snowball fight/general running around like crazy in the snow with friends. Alex tackling me to the ground. :)
  • 14th: | Valentine's Day! Went to lunch with the peeps, found out (through a mutual friend) that McAnthony does, indeed, like me. ;]
  • 15th: | "I know things went bad with you and Cori, but that doesn't mean that's gonna happen every time that you open up to somebody." My Life As Liz S1:E6 | The ABC's of Friendship


  • 5th: | One Project in Waco, road trip, talked to McAnthony on the phone for a first time, for over an hour and a half total. :)
  • 7th: | McAnthony's first Sunday at Calvary, worshipping together, out to eat with the peeps afterward, he met my dad. Alex found out we'd been talking and like eachother, but it went well.
  • 8th: | "You really are cool. Like, so much cooler than any girl I know. You have a favorite comic book artist. You listen to some of the best music of anybody I know. I like that you had the courage to get up on a stage in front of the entire school and sing to 'win one for the nerds'. I like have that red hair. I just....I like you." My Life As Liz S1:E9 | The End of The Beginning
  • 13th: | Kels' very belated party/cookout. American Idol on Playstation w/McAnthony, Bets, Manny. McAnthony falling asleep on the couch when we were looking at random YouTube videos. He met my mom for the first time. Hilarious misunderstandings, trying to define 'sexist'. "I thought you were on Team Anthony. I thought we were partners! I thought we were together!......No, not like that!"
  • 14th: | Peter Piper Pizza with the youth familia after church. Playing arcade games in heels. Buying plastic 'bling' wiht Kels, Bets and Kass. Mean Girls reenactments. Dancing to Party In The USA.
  • 15th-19th: | Spring Break! Bets and Bailey staying over, makeovers that HURT. "Just a small town b'girl! Livin' in a lonely b'worrrrld!" "This sounds like's Selena.....that makes sense!" Talked to McAnthony on Skype for the first time. Hilariousness and adorableness. His impromptu 'cooking show', making beef ramen. Multi-tasking, him drawing, me Facebooking. Random smiles and funny faces. Just being comfortable around eachother.
  • 21st: | Lunch @ Babe's with the peeps. Alex & McAnthony's "brilliant" idea of telling the waitresses that it was my birthday in a week, they made me do the chicken dance. McAnthony's Black Mustang + John Mayer + wind in my hair = amazing.
  • 26th: | Surprise dinner @ Los Vaqueros with my older half-brother Jason and his wife Courtney, who I met for the first time.
  • 27th: | Riding in Jonny's new Jeep after Angel Food distribution, my parents bought me my beautiful baby aka my first guitar, had barbecue for dinner with my family and a lot of great friends. A near perfect day. <3
  • 28th: | My 19th birthday! Youth praise team/band 'non-tryouts'....went eh, not great, not horrible. McAnthony encouraged me via texts from Missouri. Chili's for my birthday lunch with the peeps, homoesque!picture of Brandon & Sam, hilarity ensues. Hanging out with everyone at my house afterwards. Cake, laughter, Madea.


  • 2nd: | Parks Mall with the family, met McAnthony and Brandon there, went to Steak & Shake, then Caroline's for a movie day/Scattergories tournament.
  • 4th: | Easter Sunday. Lyn, Tracy & kids are at church, got to hug them and say 'hi & bye'. McAnthony's unexpectedly at church (thinking there's a band meeting which had been rescheduled) but is distant. Out to eat with the Gonzales' (/Mamales', Bets' speech blooper hahaha), Justices, Bets & Sam. McAnthony texts me late (10pmish) and we have a ~serious talk~ on Skype. He says he's not ready for anything serious, deep down I agree for myself. Weight lifted, tears shed, turning back to God and laying it all down at His feet.
mar 25 2010 ∞
dec 16 2010 +