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"Yes, I have doubted. I have wandered off the path, but I always return. It is intuitive, an intrinsic, built-in sense of direction. I seem always to find my way home." -- Helen Hayes

listography GIVE MEMORIES
debs books (2025)
television (2025)
films (Italian film directors)
films (2025)
  • Jason Wu stuff from Target
  • Target giftcard
  • Half-Price Books giftcard(s)
  • Moleskine book(s)
  • Phone case (Kate Spade?)
  • Small easel from Walmart
  • Sperrys
  • Watercolor canvasses
  • Scarf headbands
  • "Looking For Alaska" by John Green
  • "The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green
  • All of Emily Giffin's books
feb 9 2012 ∞
mar 21 2012 +