- west texas rainy days
- barbecue
- Barbie and Joe's old house
- babies
- the ocean, after I've been away a long time
- Vanilla, when she dries in the sunshine after a bath
- freshly mowed grass, and the man who mowed it
- gardenia bushes
- my mother's perfume
- the river
- the mountains
- books
- dirt
- lavender, patchouli, lemon verbena
Least Favorite:
- under-boob smell, or junksweat
- other forms of bodily odors and excrements
- the foam cutter in studio
- our dorm room + piles of dirty laundry
- trash dumpsters, but i guess nobody likes that one
- coffee
- newly printed cheap t-shirts
apr 22 2008 ∞
jul 17 2011 +