• culinary school instead of grad school
  • work for a while, figure it out later
  • grad school somewhere besides Tech
    • furniture/product/industrial design - RISD, Auburn
  • grad school at Tech, work and enjoy Lubbock
  • go find a job somewhere cool, take some cooking and welding classes
  • seminary
  • a wild combination of some or all of these things:
    • go to grad school, then work while going to cooking school, and go to seminary at some point
    • go live in a cool city and work on something i love, while loving God
  • teach at Tech
  • open a shop where we teach/help people, the general public, MAKE things.
  • go to grad school for industrial/product/furniture design, then do design-build
mar 27 2010 ∞
oct 11 2013 +