sched :
- 04, 11–12, avr (previously 305), ms. torrella ; +
- 614 | bs happened
- 616/7 | gathering references, doing background research
- i have not yet programmed with arduino or andriod. wowie.
- 620 | conduct survey
- 621 | found a thesis partner
- 622/3 | conducted (updated) survey
- 624 | had docu checked by thesis docu grammarian
- 628 | finished whole docu, first parcel came (stepper, bt module), started on with system development
- 629 | established system's backbone, presented 75% system prototype to thesis coordinator
- 701 | revised whole docu
- 705 | dropped my thesis partner lol
- u wouldn't even wanna know why, smh
- 707 | second parcel came (15 m/f, 15 m/m, 10 f/f jumper wires)
- 708 | docu revision for pre-oral defense
- 713 | submitted signed thesis committee
- i actually submitted before but w incomplete signatories
- apparently we had to submit again but this time it all should be signed
- or else we wouldnt be accepted for pre-oral defense
- 716 | started working on w additional system functions
- 718 | done everything !!! aaahhhhh
- system prototype 98% alr !!
- (98 bc i still gotta do some finishing touches lol)
- 722 | literally finished system prototype
- 100% binch !
- like literally 100%, even labels and notifiers all set
- bincccchchhchchch
- i miss bobby *sighing emoji*
- 724 | docu revision for final defense
- 725 | well, i could say that i literally finished everything by now
- did last and final prototype ui enhancements
- did last and final docu revision
- i just wish i'm not missing out anything apart from the final defense fee i have to pay for by tomorrow
- other than that i can't think of anything that i might be missing
- anyway i'm tired and sleepy and i miss bobby
- i hope him & the rest of my children ikon are happy, healthy and resting well.
deadlines :
- 608 | chapters 1-3
- 615 | chapters 4-5
- ✔ 615 | title proposal defense
- approved title : AnCurtYs: Android Curtain Control System
- this basically controls (opens and closes) your curtain using your android device with, of course, bluetooth connection to the arduino which powers the whole thing.
- +
- ✔ 622 | chapters 1-5
- see? complete bs.
- i'm only given a week to complete all the docu when all others were given 3 weeks.
- it aint even my fault fam
- update: i only submitted until chapter 3 lmao
- ✔ 629 | revised chapters 1-3 + chapters 4-5 + preliminaries + appendices + 75% system prototype
- i am literally a zombie now but i accomplished all these within 1 week
- fam!! its!! lit!!!!
- ✔ 714 | pre-oral defense
- i wouldn't even know bout this if it wasn't for my friend
- i want to die
- (i chose the date)
- ++
- it was successful AAACCKK
- ma'am may really liked my system ;___;
- she wants me to add a function which would let the users schedule time when they want the curtains to automatically open
- plus she wants music
- so basically it can act like an alarm clock
- (phone will alarm + the curtains will open at the set time!!)
- (for it to be /more/ innovative, she says)
- 720 | 100% system prototype
- postponed to next week
- what the fuck
- ? 727 | 100% system prototype, 100% revised docu, final defense fee receipt
people :
- thesis coordinator | ms. cecilia torrella
- software adviser | sir christian escoto
- grammarian | sir reinille mendoza
- thesis partner | christian perez
- his basketball games were lit while my ass aint got any sleep
- ohhhhh that rhymes
- (not really)
- statistician | sir dg
- pre-oral defense panelist | ms. may san pablo aka college dean !
note :
- 828 | update: okay, i stopped updating this when all the bs started kicking in again. i mean everything about this thesis project is bs but y'all are not ready for this ultimate bs that i'm about to unveil.
- "sched" last updated: 725, "deadlines" last updated: 727
- i will be updating "sched" and "deadlines" again when i will be complying for my ip (in progress) grade, which i plan to do so this september. everything that happened about this capstone project in between 725 on "sched" and 727 on "deadlines" and the following dates that will be added after that will be narrated below. i'll try to recall the exact dates. they're basically when all the ultimate bs happened.
- just so i would ruin the element of surprise, me and all the other people who were enrolled on it421 aka capstone weren't able to defend our theses except for one group, who are the luckiest people i've ever known. (they're my friends, i'm so happy for them.)
- i put a question mark on 727 on "deadlines" because i dont know whether i should but a check before it or cross it out. because that date. is when. it all. started.
- quick note: the person that i will be referring to in this entire rant is our thesis coordinator. all others won't be named (theyre just my classmates anyway).
- so i was hurrying with my hassle-induced, heavy-ass hardware up to 4th floor because there was about 3 minutes left before 11 am. although i know her biased ass is soft for all the other people except for me and she would most definitely let anyone pass even after being late for 30 fucking minutes but would mark me absent when i come to class 15 minutes late (with all the very valid reason), insisting that "grace period" is only 5 minutes, like bitch you said it the 2nd day of class that grace period is 15 minutes, but i get it that she hates me so i figured that i cant be late even just for a minute dear god.
- i got to 4th floor and her face was the first thing i saw she was heading to my direction (the stairs) and i was like oh shit wait what so did she already dismissed the class am i fucked or? and then this one classmate came in on sight and i was like what happened ??? she dismissed already ?????? and he was like no were looking for a room bc avr is occupied THANK GOD i almost broke down.
- it turned out that there only like only 4 of us who were there. it means 97% of the class weren't yet. and she was making chitchats with this one classmate who's tryna get close with her just so she would be privileged and become a "favorite" and
jun 10 2016 ∞
aug 28 2016 +