- 150518 uni first day (3rd year/1st sem)
- 150520 transfered back to amafv
- enrolled, tentative 16 units
- 150525 attended classes
- 150528 add/drop of subjects
- 150530 finalized sched, 23 units
- 150601 regular/permanent sched
- 150616-18 prelims
- 150702 tues stcabs 1h lecture class was moved during thurs
- no classes every tuesdays!!!
- 150707 first move on getting some shit tgt
- transfer requirements
- 2nd year/1st tri ics
- there's so much i needed to pay damn im broke
- 150716/18/20 midterms
- its all messed up bc holiday on 17th
- i didnt take any of my exam during this exam sched
- that is bc im such a great student
- 150729 first cisco make-up class
- 150801 cisco midterm special exam
- 150803 second cisco make-up class
- 150806-07 linggo ng wika !!
- 150808 ojt orientation (sitel)
- 150811 back to back
- 150814 third cisco make-up class
- 150815 fourth cisco make-up class
- 150817-18//20 finals
- 150820 fixed 2nd year/1st tri ics
- 150822 officially end of 1st tri
jun 9 2015 ∞
aug 29 2015 +