- fracture in my left wrist. obviously since I'm nerdy, I broke it on an extension science trip in Year 7. Was taking pH levels in a stream and slipped on a rock and fell on left hand. Scary experience where everything around me sounded muted for about 10 seconds after falling and I thought I was (literally)dying. Teachers brushed over it and said it wasn't a big deal and that I needed to man up. Went to hospital after school. Fractured wrist. Arrived at school the next day with an arm in a cast. SUCK THAT SCIENCE TEACHERS.
- sprained my left ankle after badminton one time while fucking around playing basketball with Joanna last year. Jumped for the ball - landed on my ankle and on the ground. Hurt like a motherfuckah. Joanna piggybacked me from the sports department all the way to the main gate where my mum was waiting for me to pick me up. Trooper.
- Like, two weeks ago, I sprained (the same) ankle again just lightly though. Was on the gymnastics beam during PE. Teacher was right beside me and being annoyingly encouraging which distracted me and made me nervous about fucking up. Of course, this resulted in me fucking up. I jumped off the beam with one foot on the safety mat and with my left ankle twisted on the ground which sprained it sigh. Couldn't go on my DOE tramp that was in two days. GUTTED.
- I think when I was little, a huge, heavy TV fell on me from up high once.
- One time when I was little I was jumping on my parents bed but then accidentily jumped off it and hit my head on a dresser.
jun 22 2012 ∞
jun 22 2012 +