things I've learnt from many rom-coms, friends, fanfics (ha) and from my two juvenile relationships that I now look back on and often want to punch myself in the face for.
- don't cheat
- don't be a gross facebook gosh-im-so-in-love-lets-make-5000-status-updates-a-day criminal
- speaking of facebook, maybe don't be embarrassingly flirty on each others pictures/walls because when you break up it's like an overwhelming load of smh-inducing shit
- make each other laugh
- try new things together
- don't be one of those stupid t(w)een couples that say they're dating and online they're annoying as fuck together but then irl they're too embarrassed to even stand in close proximity to each other and don't even talk
- don't date if you're under 14. you will look back and regret it ALL.
- don't be eager to put a label on your 'relationship'. aka, don't say he's your 'boyfriend' before even hanging out together irl a couple times.
- don't just go into a relationship because you're in love with the idea of having a boyfriend/girlfriend. it's a good idea to actually feel some sort of attraction to this so-called bf/gf...
- communicate!!!
- give each other some space like wow you are not siamese twins, you don't have to be attached at the hip, and sooner or later this is just going to make you sick of each other.
- don't reveal everything about yourself too early on in the relationship. mysteriousness is attractive and whatever.
- a lot of the time, things get misunderstood out of context and it might very well be a good idea to listen to your partner screaming "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!"