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i like to overshare about myself on the internet because... well, it's not like anybody cares enough to read it
feel free to talk to me! ~

yoru movies (2024)
dramas (24)
mangas (2024)
  • people who base their entire toxic personality on their mental illness and are unwilling to make any changes to be better as a person
  • being asked more than, like, 3 questions at a time
  • someone who wears a hat inside (like in a restaurant)
  • people who don't bother to put any effort into their appearance (especially when going out) seriously? did you literally wake up and not brush your hair all day? the fuck?
  • when one absolutely cannot survive without their phone for more than 5 minutes
  • social media in general yes, even though I'm on all of them. doesn't mean they aren't toxic
  • most vegans
  • useless clutter
  • not having my headphones when I go to the gym
  • the show how i met your mother
    • along with american dad
  • pretty much any youtuber
  • actually youtube in general
  • being asked if i work there, when i'm AT work why the fuck else would i be wearing an apron/name tag you stupidass
  • people who try to brag about being from Canada congratu-fuckin-lations you're STILL WHITE!
  • people who can't get through a day without smoking weed, but also judge others for drinking/smoking cigarettes how do you NOT see that you're literally no step above anybody else?
  • Dudes who are shallow and try to guilt women into going out with them seriously? i bet you're one of those "not all men" guys
  • bad internet
  • david tenant just as an actor
  • conan o'brien fucking hate this man
  • having the cat wake me up at 3 am for no fuckin reason
  • flaky "friends"
  • the fact that i can't keep a plant alive (even a succulent) for more than a fucking day
  • when people don't follow some basic driving laws
    • crossing over a solid line
    • cutting off a trucker like a douche
    • not having lights on when it's raining/foggy really bitch? YOUR CAR IS GREY. BUT YEAH GET WRECKED, I LITERALLY DON'T CARE LOL
    • people who go any number below about 73 mph and don't get the fuck into the right lane you ARE going fast, but not fast enough for some, ya fuck
  • people who see me out with my dog and compliment how cute/pretty/fluffy/whatever he is and/or say they want/are going to get a husky someday please. fucking. don't. you literally have no fucking clue about the breed and probably would surrender it at age 6 months because it wrecked your entire house you stupid fuck
  • when people feel the need to always explain every detail of their excuse for why they're late/not doing a thing/doing a thing/etc. literally nobody cares
  • people who tell me "good morning" (i know that's super weird) is it good, though? IS IT??? JUST SAY "HEY"
  • people who stare at their phone when they are out walking. bonus peeve if they have earphones in.
  • getting unwarranted advice about literally anything I did not ask about
  • when someone keeps telling me I should smoke weed when i get sick during my pregnancy are... you... are you fucking retarded? You also KNOW that i ALREADY don't smoke weed, why would I suddenly do it now? and no, don't try and tell me "well my friend smoked weed when she was pregnant and her kid is sooooo smart" cool. doubt it, but cool.
  • getting the "oh you think you're tired now," "just wait till he's born," "just wait till [insert future kid related shit here]" literally do not fucking care. stop trying to invalidate my CURRENT feelings. anxiety is already super high when you're having a first kid, so yeah thanks for trying your best to make it worse. fuck off.
aug 12 2019 ∞
sep 20 2020 +