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☆ Fandom/series are in alphabetical order, including the etc. column; fics are not.
☆ All fics are nsfw unless marked non-nsfw.
☆ Fics are listed inside each column by pairing in order of quantity.
☆ Etc. column is fandoms that don't have enough fics to warrant their own column.
☆ No tags/tw's are listed.

  • denji/hayakawa aki
    • stressed: aki’s standing, eyes following the curve of denji’s neck, the messy tuffs of his hair, the movement of those stupid lips. aki’s definitely fucked.
    • responsibilties: aki's nothing if not responsible. denji knows it too. the mess gets messier.
    • mirrors: denji needs help. aki helps him. it’s a mess.
    • cause you said forever: the world might end tomorrow, and aki's kissing him like he knows for certain that it will.
    • smash, boom, pow: denji can't sleep. aki sleeps a little too deeply.
    • dwindling mercurial high: aki had known bringing an alpha mutt into his home would prove to be a terrible idea.
    • natural selection: aki and denji are stuck together, in more ways than one.
    • the road to hell: aki takes a cue from makima in denji-management.
    • a dog from hell: it’s simply that aki’s hands—hand—are full, namely with denji, because as sex-motivated as denji is, he knows surprisingly little about sex.
    • ashes in full bloom: stricken by hanahaki, aki has fourteen days left to live. stricken by a growing affection, denji doesn't want to let him go.
    • heavy petting: “to show me, that’s all,” denji's convincing himself during the adjustment. “i can do it myself after.”
    • match point: he no longer feels the urge to punch his face in with every other word that comes out of his mouth. aki considers it progress.
    • how to train your devil: denji's too loud when he jerks off and aki snaps.
    • strawberry red: aki has had enough of listening to denji jerking off. a chance presents itself.
  • hayakawa aki/angel devil
    • this hell is better with you: the gun devil has taken an interest in angel.
    • bask: in which aki discovers angel is into being praised, only to have the tables turned on him.
    • just one yesterday: aki offers to help angel with his wings, without quite realising what kind of an effect that might have on both of them, and their relationship.
    • if i squint: (non-nsfw) aki comes home to find denji very ill, and even with help from power and angel, he's worried that he isn't equipped to deal with it.
  • denji/hayakawa aki/power
    • untouchable: “no,” aki says, eyes boring into denji’s. “he’s nothing. go to bed, denji.”
    • lay me down: exhausted after a long day aki still can't rest.
  • hayakawa aki/kishibe
    • boiling point: aki loses his keys at post-work drinks and takes shelter in kishibe’s apartment.
  • denji/yoshida hirofumi
    • death's lapdog: yoshida pays denji to die for his entertainment. somewhere between the first and tenth death, he falls in love.
jun 10 2023 ∞
aug 30 2024 +