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☆ Fandom/series are in alphabetical order, including the etc. column; fics are not.
☆ All fics are nsfw unless marked non-nsfw.
☆ Fics are listed inside each column by pairing in order of quantity.
☆ Etc. column is fandoms that don't have enough fics to warrant their own column.
☆ No tags/tw's are listed.

  • L/light yagami
    • covetous: l takes light to a work party. light finds a new game to play with him.
    • not according to plan: light will do anything to win this game against him and get what he wants.
    • two bodies: light comes down with a poorly timed rut, and, with no one but each other, light and l find the things left unsaid become impossible to ignore.
    • triumph of the sheep: l's heat hits him unexpectedly, but, chained together and trapped in a hotel room, l and light find a way to make use of their time.
    • must be like the genesis of rhythm: light frowned some more. “don’t you get bored, sometimes?” l considered this. “well, yes,” he said at last. then he darted a glance at light, mischievous. “used to be pretty bored, yeah.”
    • babooshka!: it’s three weeks after light is released from his confinement that l starts receiving the letters.
    • objectively? a bad idea: matsuda resists the urge to laugh again. light isn’t often caught speechless. “you two bicker like an old married couple.”
    • to love and be loved by me: that’s very good, Light, murmurs a low, soft voice from six feet underground.
    • a losing victory: light knows there is no place for l in his future, but it doesn't stop him from wanting.
    • a sort of power: “it’s a shame,” L said regretfully, “since I was hoping we could help each other.”
    • vertigo: light is certain L will be dead soon, and decides to make use of him one last time.
    • all your moves: light preens under L’s attention, especially as a prime suspect.
    • snakes and butterflies: "you're really sexy in the morning."
jan 9 2024 ∞
aug 10 2024 +