- 19 DAYS
- he tian/mo guan shan
- knee high, stage fright: (non-nsfw) no matter how hard he may try, guan shan can't hide all his problems.
- need the deep end: five times he tian's dick is smacked, in increasing order of intentionality/kinkiness.
- submission is a gift: (non-nsfw) little mo spends the night.
- allergy season: (non-nsfw) “you know, they say that sneezing a lot means you’re on someone’s mind.”
- beings: ‘no, guan shan, that’s—this isn’t yours. did you think that’s what this was?’
- vulnerability: he tian and guan shan try something new.
- zhan zheng xi/jian yi
- i'll keep you safe: an unexpected heat presents itself as the perfect opportunity for zheng xi to realize the things he’s been avoiding.
- present: jian yi gives zheng xi a christmas present.
- he cheng/brother qiu
- birthright: “i’ll do anything you want me to do, but you have to say it out loud.”
- move in: [non-nsfw]after the dog passes away, he cheng asks qiu to move in with him.
- we're yin yang, you and i: huffing at the dirty move, qiu almost dropped the cigarette. his lip curled. “gonna make me pay for it?”
- he tian/zhan zheng xi/mo guan shan/jian yi
- talking dirty: he tian is a menace and realized his powers of riling up his boyfriends with dirty talking in public.
- he tian/zhan zheng xi
- rough night: he tian and zheng xi have a bit of a power struggle in the bedroom.
- mo guan shan/she li
- sterling archer/barry dylan
- pure, unadelerated loathing: a white nights remix, in which barry and archer were recaptured, and have to work together to escape the KGB. it goes about as well as can be expected.
- AKIRA (1988)
- kaneda shoutarou/shima tetsuo
- 2 a.m.: “maybe i hit my head harder than we think,” tetsuo replies casually, “and i got a screw loose now.”
- sharp nails endure cutting glass: 5 times kaneda and tetsuo kissed + 1 time they did more than that.
- biker boys: kaneda was oddly taking his time.
- zuko/aang
- rise to the sun: (non-nsfw) but if that’s the destiny of the republic, then zuko supposes the best he can do is face it without being delirious from lack of sleep.
- pocketful of stones: (non-nsfw) after being hit by the yuyan archers, zuko wakes with his mask still in place.
- the iron king sings: (non-nsfw) zuko collects artifacts while searching for the avatar.
- devotion: (non-nsfw) because that’s what aang does, he offers and expects nothing in return.
- you treat me like the king i am: (non-nsfw) "firelord zuko, tiptoeing to get a kiss," aang says in the voice of a dignified royal announcer that vibrates through zuko's palms.
- we could jump in the ocean: (non-nsfw) aang has known zuko for a hundred and eighteen years. he has known him in death and ice and love.
- sokka/zuko
- does the pain feel better when i'm around: (non-nsfw) “cool,” he says. “you realize we’ve been looking for you for, like, two hours, right?”
- it's a summer day: (non-nsfw) zuko and sokka are together. suki and sokka are also together, and apparently, that confuses everyone else.
- a quiet signal of devotion: (non-nsfw) hypothermia: the only affliction that gets cured with cuddling and emotional vulnerability.
- speak ill: (non-nsfw) 5, 8, 15 years after the war, sokka talks shit about ozai.
- courtesan: “everyone thinks i’m your courtesan.”
- three words that became hard to say: it's only a few weeks in, but sokka thinks he loves zuko.
- ignition point: most people know they're a bender since birth. sokka just had to discover it at twenty when he accidentally burns his own house down.
- astarion/tav
- deserved: take what you want. Take it all, for you deserve it.
- louis/legosi
- crescendo: louis and legoshi have been dancing around something for a while.
- dancing on a knife's edge: there’s only one bed, and louis wants to stick his hand in legosi’s mouth.
- the fight to adore you: on the rare occasion that louis wants to give up control, he and legosi do a little role play, where their dynamic shifts, and legosi takes, and they both act like it’s not exactly what louis wants.
- control: legosi catches an omega’s scent and can’t forget it. a year later, louis goes into heat in the club room.
- the wolf trap: if you're going to play the game, you have to play it right.
- after dark: the advice is to never let a carnivore into your dorm room after dark.
- heat: interspecies romance is taboo, politics is complicated, but this? this is simple.
- louis/the shishigumi
- sharing a meal: he definitely looks like a meal right now; invitingly sprawled on the table like he's waiting to be devoured by the nine lions surrounding him.
- tangerine/ladybug
- ryan bergara/shane medaj
- when the sun sets we're both the same: on halloween night, ryan accidentally kills someone, and shane has seen too many movies to do anything sensible about it.
- objects in mirror are closer than they appear: ryan’s reflection doesn’t follow him. shane feels a shock catapult and slam into his solar plexus.
- for your eyes only: shane's a bit long-suffering, and ryan's a bit insufferable, but that's just the show, isn't it?
- don't you know that your time has come: “hunting the city cryptid, ryan?”
- hearbeat: so the guy ryan sits next to at work is a vampire. that's no big deal, right?
- flightless bird, american mouth: ryan's got a secret. perhaps bunking in with shane while the world locks down around them is not the best situation for continuing to keep that secret.
- yellow light: ryan realizes shane never seems to ask for anything. he sets out to fix that.
- dance with the devil: while filming a worth it holiday special in new york, ryan becomes convinced that shane is possessed by a demon.
- like you want to be loved: "settle down with me", shane says without thinking." (non-nsfw)
- idle hands do the devils work: in which the only upside to being a demon stuck in a seasonal chicago snowstorm is the ability to abandon your body and possess your boyfriend in LA.
- fist and foremost: becoming boyfriends is surprisingly simple, but learning to communicate like boyfriends is kind of a struggle. also, ryan really wants shane’s fist in him and is determined not to mention it.
- theft by finding: shane looks down at the medallion in his hand. he doesn’t know why he’s kept it, all these years.
- black sun: ryan bergara and shane madej of the preternatural investigations unit of the LAPD must solve a string of demon murders before the killer can enact their mysterious plan.
- precious metals: ryan and shane have been moving around something that is coming to a head between them. ryan slowly starts to become suspicious that shane might not be what he seems.
- darling it's a faded notion: ryan and shane get cursed by a ghost, and now they can't be not-touching. it's ... not great.
- full-court press: to be clear, these are not tactics ryan would recommend. being an athleisure-obsessed pervert, and lying, and clothes-sabotage: these are not things he’s proud of.
- alucard | adrian tepes/trevor belmont
- adachi kiyoshi/kurosawa yuichi
- seamless: so. adachi has a bit of a Thing for kurosawa in a waistcoat.
- sparks and shadows: “i want you to,” he whispers. “i w-want you to be rough with me.”
- connor/hank anderson
- haptic feedback: connor gives hank a rather thorough massage. hank returns the favor.
- spectacles: hank gets new glasses. connor really, really likes them.
- call me baby, tell me i'm good: the day hank accidentally brushes his neck and tells him he’s good, connor has a revelation.
- DUNE (2021)
- paul atreides/duncan idaho
- aziraphale/crowley
- iwaizumi hajime/oikawa tooru
- stumble into the sun: “so,” hajime says, as he peels off his uniform shirt. “have you guys ever heard of like, someone being turned on by people saying nice things to them?”
- all my firsts and all my lasts: tooru oikawa is a man who gets what he wants, and iwaizumi's beaten and battered heart is his crowned possession.
- hannibal lector/will graham
- dread and hunger: will receives a secret admirer with a penchant for writing him poetry and slaughtering the innocent in artistic fashions.
- process of elimination: the one in which hannibal has no idea how to court properly and will "just needs" a temporary mate.
- charming pleasures: “i want you to mark me.”
- sweet misery: will has no idea what personal space is.
- mei hanxue/mei hanXue/xue meng | xue ziming
- down to the minute: calling in mei hanxue to help him identify what might possibly be a horrific genital disease was, honestly, not one of xue meng’s best ideas this semester.
- armand/daniel molloy
- lestat de lioncourt/louis de pointe du lac
- carried: “that’s all there is to it?” louis asks. “bien sûr. i love you, and that’s all there is to it,” lestat hums.
- fireside: “light that fire. lock us in. do me some face,” he demands, his own pupils beginning to swell.
- overture: “,a composition préférée, la composition de louis de pointe du lac,” lestat hums. “play it for me,” louis sighs.
- louis de pointe du lac/daniel molloy
- both arms cradle you now: louis looks at him for a long moment. 'daniel, if you think pity is what i am feeling for you, maybe you do need my help after all.'
- zim/dib
- false reflections: (non-nsfw) dib is assigned to the investigation. unfortunately, he doesn't have a choice but to bring his new self-proclaimed 'partner' along as well.
- least friend: dib had another nemesis for two weeks in ninth grade until zim stabbed him in the throat.
- the trees have seen you savage: (non-nsfw) dib finds zim following him out on one of his cryptic hunting investigations, and the two of them find something that's way in over their heads.
- eve polastri/villanelle | oksana astankova
- ciel phantomhive/sebastian michaelis
- a better touch: sometimes, sebastian has a hard time keeping his hands off his lord in public. other times, he doesn't have to stop himself.
- ravished and ravenous: instead sebastian looks as he did the day that they met. hungering in a way that was positively inhuman.
- when there is no imagination: if he has enough energy for a nightmare, then sebastian has failed his task.
- to make soft the damned: ciel beckons in a language only sebastian speaks.
- where shall we end: anger rolls off of ciel like heat from a radiator. sebastian would very much like to warm his hands.
- down to the last drop: love is in the air. more accurately, in the tea.
- aragorn/boromir/legolas greenleaf
- cushion: legolas rides his two strong men.
- j/makoto
- floating on pain: “be good,” j teased, setting his hands on either side of mako’s head as he leaned over him. “i’ll see you soon.”
- THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E (2015)
- illya kuryakin/napoleon solo
- is that a gun in your ass or are you just happy to see me?: “i should put my gun in you,” illya hissed. “if you want to be full so bad.
- death, he knows the panes of my face: a mission goes sideways. solo gets himself strung up from the ceiling and learns what it's like to be cooked from the inside out.
- and the waltz goes on: in which illya needs to learn how to dance and napoleon is, of course, recruited for the job.
- it pleases me: napoleon was most of the way through saying do you want some toast when illya rolled over and looked at him.
- like sleep to the freezing: the UNCLE team goes on a mission to norway, and things go sideways when napoleon falls into a frozen lake.
- femslash collection: a collection of femslash drabbles.
- another first kiss: six episodes in the lives of two disaster spies featuring stolen kisses, and one where no theft was required.
- something gets lost from a safe distance: illya is stressed. as it seems to be the case more often than not, it’s solo’s fault.
- from afar: this was obviously a problem and one that would need to be remedied immediately.
- material culture: “if illya really is a doctor,” napoleon told gaby as illya stalked off over the sand, “i’ll eat my shoes.”
- full marks: illya is gentle with him, regardless of what solo wants.
- become unceasing: “because we can’t be both lost homosexuals and spies,” illya said, dryly.
- moment's silence: there's got to be a reason napoleon feels like this; like he will never be able to get that stupid russian out of his head.
- upstate: napoleon looks at illya, all lit up by the setting sun, shadows stretched long behind him and the span of his muscles laid out like a picture. his wedding ring gleams.
- 9th: illya and napoleon celebrating the may anniversaries.
- thomas/minho
- gerard way/frank iero
- tomorrow we'll do it again: frank doesn't—can't say anything as gerard manhandles him; he doesn't have the brainpower to do more than go where Ggrard directs him.
- every inch of sanity: "i thought ray'd made a rule about watching porn in public." there's a long pause but gerard doesn't even look at him. "only if he's around. when he's not here, porn's fair game."
- fantasy book: this was really, really not normal behavior for gerard - not for real, normal gerard, and it was even a little abrupt for the imaginary gerard who lived in frank's head and came out during his Special Alone Times with his dick.
- close to my skin: “i wish you could see yourself right now, frankie,” gerard says as he kisses the small of frank’s back - open, wet kisses. “you’re so wet, so ready already -”
- postscript: "how about you wait for it?" frank's not sure where that comes from, but now that he's said it, he really wants it.
- your money where: frank's not sure rimming sounds dirty in the fun way. gerard convinces him it definitely is.
- nothing comes as easy as you: "um, i've heard, you know, around, that like, there are guys who can get off three times without stopping. and i was, i mean—" god he sounds like a fucking idiot. "have you ever heard of that?"
- hand on my heart: “yeah, fuck me,” ghoul laughs breathlessly, dizzy and strung out. he smiles around the fingers in his mouth. “maybe later.”
- uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto
- i can see the stars all the way from here: “who the fuck else am i going to ask?” sasuke looks away, catches himself, and makes himself look back. "obviously it’s you.it’s always gonna be you.”
- today is ours, it always has been: sasuke belatedly realizes they haven’t been discovered. his brain kicks back into gear, one thought at a time. it’s slow going.
- work for it: he has been chasing sasuke for so long that it’s second nature. to bring him down, down to his level, and heel him with teeth and a strong hand.
- keep watch for me: (non-nsfw) there are a lot of sasuke-related impossibilities coming true, lately.
- armistice: sasuke is still here. or maybe; love hasn't passed them yet.
- hatake kakashi/uzumaki naruto
- we lose ourselves: kakashi is a man defined by discipline, self-control. and then naruto gets injured and that control fractures into nothing.
- wanna touch you: kakashi gets dosed with sex poison and seeks out naruto for help. naruto is more than ready to lend a hand.
- avoidance means eventually: "i recommend, as your doctor, to find a heat partner." tsunade's eyes are soft. "this can kill you, kakashi." kakashi would rather die, thank you.
- roronoa zoro/sanji
- the finest cut: zoro’s laugh is throaty and wavering, his words quiet when he replies, “so that’s what the knife is for.”
- full-bellied: he is almost absolutely sure that sanji didn’t choose to shoot eggs out of his dick when he rubs one out, but what if he thinks it’s weird that zoro likes it?
- somnus: "i can’t just fuck you while you’re unconscious,” he hisses in the end. “why not?” zoro frowns.
- stuffed with love: “how do you feel about fisting?”
- edward teach/stede bonnet/israel hands
- i'll make you so sure about it: (non-nsfw) izzy is injured in a raid, and needs a bit of help from the captains to get back on his feet... foot.
- dry storms: (non-nsfw) izzy has some regrets, and he may not say them aloud.
- revolting displays of intimacy: (non-nsfw) “are you going to,” said izzy, gesturing between the two of them. “er, sit up straight, and have a fucking conversation with me.”
- luck of the devil: (non-nsfw) i'm dying, izzy thought with sudden, brutal clarity. right on the heels of that came: finally.
- baek nakyum/yoon seungho
- peach blossoms: _ his boy is so delicate, olive eyes bright, sumptuous thing._
- tommy shelby/alfie solomons
- lio fotia/galo thymos
- warm blanket: he wonders if lio remembers. galo hopes he doesn’t. he also hopes that he does.
- i'm on fire for you, clearly: lio searches for something that can replace the promare.
- reignite: in his dream, lio lets galo do a lot of things.
- backdraft: truthfully, he's not sure whether lio’s shocked at the appearance of his weapon or that he’d drawn it against galo. both, maybe.
- death/puss in boots
- courting death: still clad in invisibility, death licks his teeth and starts circling the group.
- winslow houndstooth/hero shackleby
- THE SANDMAN (2022)
- the corinthian/dream of the endless
- realistic cruelty: "look, boss, unless you made him mopier on purpose or something, i just… i think the corinthian's sad.”
- and the backyard's full of bones: the dreaming holds all dreams within it. as a nightmare, corinthian never slept to dream, not in any real sense, not in the usual way of things.
- glass and silver filigree: no matter. it is a new age for dreams and nightmares. corinthian will come to learn that, to believe it, with time.
- eren yeager/levi ackerman
- eren yeager/reader
- something to savour: when it comes to eren yeager, sometimes you've just gotta take what you can get.
- poe dameron/finn
- you still get my heart: poe finds himself smiling stupidly at the sight.
- three months and sixteen days: finn is gone on mission for just over three months, and it makes poe realize something.
- diplomacy happens at night : “our what now?” poe says dumbly, blinking. behind him he hears finn make a strangled sort of noise. “your marriage.” C-3PO says and then tuts. “oh dear, you really didn’t read the manual on verakian customs I provided, did you?”
- poe dameron/finn/rey
- fever dream: poe and rey are waiting for finn to wake up, and every instinct poe has is telling him to feed the too-lean jedi girl.
- VOLTRON (2016)
- keith/shiro
- in for the kill: it’s not that he hadn’t known keith was an omega. it’s just – never been terribly relevant until now.
- my love was weighed down: keith gets sick and tests the bonds of love.
- how you've earned it: shiro sees it coming from a mile and drops his weight down, forcing keith’s knees apart and wedging himself between his legs.
- erik lehnsherr/charles xavier
dec 3 2016 ∞
feb 27 2025 +