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☆ Fandom/series are in alphabetical order, including the etc. column; fics are not.
☆ All fics are nsfw unless marked non-nsfw.
☆ Fics are listed inside each column by pairing in order of quantity.
☆ Etc. column is fandoms that don't have enough fics to warrant their own column.
☆ No tags/tw's are listed.

  • eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier
    • eddie kaspbrak, office uncle extraordinare: (non-nsfw) eddie's coworker finally convinces him to bring his elusive spouse to an office party. it goes about as well as you might expect, which is to say spectacularly.
    • the courtship of eddie kaspbrak, executive asshole: (non-nsfw) two weeks into her new job as Executive Assistant to the world's most anal-retentive, pent-up ball of pure fury, lucy thought she was coming to grips with her boss's particular brand of crazy.
    • good in me: “damn, eds,” richie says, looking closer at the tear. “ass so fat you busted a seam.”
    • drives me wild: "i cannot fucking stand you," eddie's voice is hushed, low and dangerous.
    • keep my arms the rest of the night: this thing between eddie and richie is kind of new and kind of old, and they'll figure it out eventually.
    • an itch you just can't scratch: eddie's got a pretty bad case of beard burn and it's getting to be really distracting at the office. there might only be one way he can fix it.
    • the world is changed: the house on 29 neibolt collapses. and then eddie wakes up.
    • cherry red, satin pink: richie had hookups over a lot.
    • now hiring future lovers: when eddie had applied to be richie tozier’s intern, he hadn't expected to actually get the job.
    • black on black: eddie licks his lips. “who deserves to put their hands on me?”
    • a heart that laughter has made sweet: he’s seventeen when richie accidentally kisses him.
    • know that water's sweet: pennywise turns eddie into a vampire. richie helps.
    • relationship status; dumbass: “you’re thinking about me, aren’t you?” richie grins, the big, toothy one that he knows makes eddie snort and loosen up. “you want my dick. i knew it.”
    • i'm quite alright hiding today: richie doesn’t know how to say, you kissed me to wake me up from the deadlights and I don’t know if you did it to save my life or if there’s something else too, but it’s kind of killing me, man.
    • wet 'n' wild: “and there are probably more things, right? more things you like, more things we can do together. a hundred more things to try, if you want. we can try them all. find every way to make you feel good.”
    • let there be no doubt about it: along with a pang of guilt, he feels a swelling of love, seemingly right around his heart like the stories all say, at the thought of eddie sitting here for hours lit only by his laptop, staying awake, worrying, fretting. over him.
    • let yourself unwind, get lost in the garden of my mind: richie is big and oblivious, eddie discovers himself.
    • party for one: eddie is beyond horny and is hellbent on Getting Some. richie is under the assumption eddie isn't into sex. neither of them talk about it, because they're morons.
    • good morning richie tozier: richie and eddie live on opposite schedules.
    • broken record: the house on neibolt was standing again.
    • take it slow, and it'll work itself out fine: eddie didn’t want it to be about him for fucking once.
    • can i lay in your bed all day: it's not richie's fault that eddie looks so damn perfect in the mornings.
    • i could be your baby: the thing is, richie’s never been fucked before.
    • pink bubblegum: richie isn’t a weirdo, he’s just totally head-over-heels in love with his best friend.
    • need to be youthfully felt, cause god i never felt young: sometimes you're forty years old and letting yourself experience real love and desire for the first time, and you get to act a little bit like a teenager.
    • just wanna get a little bit closer: “i had a super weird dream,” eddie tells him. richie makes another mmmm sound, low in his throat, deep in his chest. he’s still mostly asleep. “i had a dream we were dating when we were in college.”
    • two words: richie basks in eddie’s compliments-folded-into-insults just like he does the sunlight.
    • crazy little thing called love: “who wants to say something?” eddie pulls on the sleeves of his shirt. (non-nsfw)
    • choices: richie tries to show eddie that going to clubs and having one night stands are a good time. then eddie takes him home and shows him how wrong he is.
    • bury me in your memory: “take me, man,” richie says, voice breaking. his hands tremble as he smacks his chest. “you can fucking have me if it brings him back.” (non-nsfw)
    • if you're in love, you're the lucky one: eddie grows accustomed to kissing richie on what has to be an average of at least a hundred times a day.
    • body rock, sit back and watch: “i can’t let you go to your meeting looking like that,” richie says resolutely.
    • push you out: what eddie did not take into account was richie dressed for a date.
    • and lose my heart on the burning sands: “fine. you have two minutes,” eddie says, looking at the clock in the hall.
    • mother may i sleep with danger: richie swallows. “from watching you manhandle a fucking gun, eddie.”
    • mnemonic device: “you gotta remember when i tell you to do shit,” he whispers, a smile in his voice.
    • i'm on fire: richie has to drop one of eddie's folders off at the office, and they both get a little more than they bargained for.
    • come over here and overwhelm me: “come on, rich. you take care of me all the time. right? you do such a good job. let me have a turn.”
    • visitant: maybe the universe had resurrected eddie as a ghost and trapped him in richie’s home so that he could annoy richie until he died from sheer rage and went straight to hell.
    • around the clock: “i’m so, so sorry, richie. i mean it. i’ll make it up to you, like, times a thousand, okay? i swear.”
    • eddie kaspbrak's carefully calibrated carnal awakening: richie doesn't get to skim these right away because his eyes are locked on the title of the proposal.
    • my home is your body: the problem is that eddie wants to kiss richie more than he thinks he has ever wanted anything and it’s really starting to interfere with his day-to-day life. (non-nsfw)
    • let's go all the way tonight: it's richie and eddie's wedding anniversary and eddie is feeling indulgent.
    • can't fight this feeling: "you’re not gonna abandon me at the altar, right?”
    • any way you want it: “oh,” richie says, a grin spreading over his face. “you’re wearing your fuck-me shorts.”
    • give it up: “so you’re just letting them believe we’re married,” richie says, grinning.
    • over and over: there’s a long, weighty pause, and then richie says, “you in bed?”
    • stupid deep: richie has a big dick, and eddie is into it.
  • bill denbrough/mike hanlon
    • out of your depth: bill writes two letters for mike: one a touch more, uh, explicit. too bad he gives him the wrong one.
    • wear you out: his boyfriend would look good in just about anything, but mike loves him most when he’s wearing his clothes.
    • indirect correlation: the many times mike wanted to kiss bill, everything in between, and a little bit after. (non-nsfw)
  • eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier/stanley uris
  • eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier/bill denbrough
    • let's not make it harder: the one where eddie, bill, and richie have been dating for almost a year and eddie really wants bill and richie to go on a date.
    • three chords and you're into jazz: first they're EddieandRichie. then they're EddieandRichieandBill.
    • three piece romance: richie has a brilliant plan: he and eddie want to date bill, so why not just... start taking him on dates? not that they tell bill that's what they're doing. (non-nsfw)
oct 7 2020 ∞
jan 9 2024 +