- steve rogers/james "bucky" barnes
- falling back on forever: bucky falls from the train in 1945. steve jumps right after him. the winter Soldier and the midnight patriot are the world's most feared duo, serving HYDRA and leaving a trail of bodies a mile wide behind them. But then they remember.
- the blind leading: steve is specifically told not to fraternize with the independently contracted winter soldier.
- lethe: "do it," he goads. "do it or come back home with me and let me help you. but you gotta do it now, buck, because I can't take another moment of this hell."
- accidentally on purpose: after bucky drunkenly kisses steve by accident, it just seems to keep on happening, until it's not so much by accident anymore.
- despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth: “those are pins,” steve realized. “the mask—it’s nailed to his face.”
- be all my sins remembered: "what would you want?" "to take care of you. for you to let me take care of you."
- all my chances again: steve gets lost in the time matrix, and begs for an out. seems confession is good for the soul—or so he hopes.
- eagles: “they’ve been together for ninety years, nat,” tony says. “they’re practically married. there’s no room for me.”
- there's space for you right here: "you're telling me the winter soldier, the world's greatest and deadliest assassin, showed up at your remote cottage in iceland for a booty call?"
- lighthouse: steve smiles at him and it’s steady and true, guiding him in from the storm.
- orders came for sailing: bucky drops into the trench. steve is wedged into a sentry stance beneath the earth, on guard and half-awake, when he feels bucky come in like wind.
- burn your bridges down: even under the ice, steve used to dream about this.
- the dioscuri: fading from sight, bucky still reaches for steve, and steve does the only thing that he can do: he pushes off from the train and dives after.
- unusual weather: bucky’s been at the avengers tower for three weeks before he finally gives in to steve’s gentle coaxing and stark’s cheerful waving of fistfuls of circuits, and lets them scan the arm.
- i thought maybe we would kiss tonight: routine maintenance for bucky’s arm, except not.
- you don't know this now: bucky has a hard time with words, and an even harder time asking for things.
- your favorite ghost: it's harder than steve ever expected to bring bucky home.
- sharpen your teeth: bucky tries to play the long game.
- you were a kindness when i was a stranger: the asset’s heat is syncing with his mission’s rut. or maybe that’s supposed to be the other way around.
- near mint: steve rogers lets his hair down.
- when and where our eyes meet: bucky, still relearning physical cues, consequently falls asleep anywhere and everywhere, without warning, when his body finally hits even its impressive limits and shuts down hard.
- what makes a home: bucky's grateful to be living with steve again. it would be a lot easier to do that, however, if steve didn't seem intent on getting him more than he could think to ask for.
- thermal acclimation: steve knows that while the arm is balanced into bucky’s skeleton with adamantium and vibranium fusing, it still sometimes aggravates the muscles of his back.
- places behind us: as steve approaches the door of the walk-in closet, there’s a sudden growl. it’s low and defensive, and steve freezes.
- steve rogers/james "bucky" barnes/sam wilson
- accidentally on purpose: sam wilson did not sign up for this, but now that he's here, he's going to make the most of it.
- matt murdock/franklin "foggy" nelson
- under the hide of me: when a case turns dangerous, matt appoints himself foggy's personal bodyguard. foggy's not complaining - but he would like to know why daredevil won't stop flirting with him.
- matt murdock/karen page
- wade wilson/logan (wolverine)
- happiness like a bullet in the back: five times logan howlett is stupidly soft for wade wilson, and one time he isn't.
- guess: what is a big deal, a huge, massive fucking deal, is what wade’s wearing underneath his pajamas.
- rev 22:20 dry martini mix: logan eats wade out and overstimulates him until he cries, and wade gets his lick back.
- if you get too close: after several yearning-filled months of crashing on deadpool's couch, the wolverine tries (and fails) to abandon ship, using every method she knows: fighting, fucking, and finally, reluctantly, talking.
- life is a mystery: “we never picked a safeword.” wade gasps, and logan can feel his stomach muscles ripple and contract around his fingers. “then pick one.”
- so take me now and do me justice: logan is insecure; lucky for him, wade is too. through the power of sex and stabbing combined, they manage some actual honesty.
- seduction of indulgence: logan nicks wade's femoral artery during sex; also wade's wearing lingerie, for reasons that aren't explained.
- oxymorons: because he was deadpool, and logan was right. nothing could kill him. he’d just endure it.
- bordering on maraculous: “yeah, i figured that out for myself,” wade barks back, “you smell like the backseat of my toyota camry on prom night.”
- put your money where your mouth is: the one where logan and wade go for a little drive in a honda odyessy, and then maybe get it on in the driver's seat.
- the bathroom stall blues: the one where logan leans his forehead against wade's gun, and wade puts his plan to save the world on hold.
- like a virgin: “plus, the stabbing is a better metaphor for penetration, don’t you think?” wade snarked, drawing his katanas.
- some sugar in my bowl: What to Do When Your Not-Quite-Boyfriend From an Alternate Universe has a Baseball On the Base of His Dick, a Hands-On Guide by Wade Wilson.
- i'm down on my knees: there’s something grotesque about wade. no, it’s something more intrinsic, logan reasons, something that he can’t quite put a finger on.
- promises, promises: in any other circumstances, this would be an ideal situation. hell, it’s pretty damn close to one now. other than the, y’know, six knuckle knives plunging holes into his stomach.
- getaway car: wade and logan really hate each other. they really, really do.
- wade wilson/weasel
- close your eyes and think of baseball: “don’t you think about baseball when you don’t want to be hard? because I got the impression this wasn’t going to stop until the big finale.”
- green light means goe: weasel thinks he may, in fact, be suicidal. no, not literally, but he thinks that custom making weaponry for a lethal, murder-happy and indisputably insane mercenary and leaving it at his house for valentine's day might count.
- thor odinson/loki laufeyson
- carry your throne: “apparently,” loki says. “i'm a matter best left to the royal prerogative. 'the king shall deal with prince loki as he sees fit.'"
- flourish: in which thor and loki learn some mutual truths.
- beneath your bones: thor, helpless with grief, returns to the statesman in search of survivors, he brings something — or someone — back with him.
- lost and found: loki has his eyes closed. “i am not a good man,” he says softly.
- let slip the dogs of war: loki requires release, and since he is not safe to be set free, thor has only one other kind to offer him.
- the ghost and good queen val: "what was what? you look like you've seen a ghost."
- giving light back to the sun: sometimes they end up in thor’s bed.
- a soul that's changing it's shape: loki watches thor until he comes awake on his own — the lashes of his one eye fluttering open, mouth twitching as his breathing speeds up.
- such things must be known: thor does not hesitate. thor never hesitates. two forward steps and he has loki wrapped in his arms, another step and thor is crushing him against the wall.
- this is not a romance: “brother, we must agree,” says thor, “if we are to do this together.”
- whisper: loki is hypersensitive to the slightest touch.
- how long we were fooled: loki is not a good man, he knows; there is something rotten in the core of him; and even a much better man might let thor kiss him.
- touching lightning: loki finally gets to touch thor after centuries of forbidden pining.
- we're halfway to complete: after watching thor getting rough and dirty in the training yard, loki helps him relax in the royal baths.
- the snow on fire: it quickly becomes too much to just stand in the circle of thor's arms and allow himself to be held.
- make a believer out of me: loki's alive. thor might need a little persuading before he believes that.
- violet: thor has learned to channel his newly discovered powers in more intimate ways. loki cannot get enough of it.
- morning after dark: thor has lived most of his life secretly loving his brother, and while they're not related by blood, he still feels guilty.
- our love has never been the gentle sort: everything else may be gone, but his brother is here.
- it's been a long, cold, lonely winter: loki never used to feel the cold. these days, it's in his bones.
- out of the shadows and into the night: “unfortunately, no one ever paid any attention to the good i could do."
- just in it for the game: “it's excellent rehabilitation for my image,” loki says, widening his eyes. “they love you, and because of that they'll trust me. you wouldn't ruin this for me, would you?”
- early rising: “quite the opposite,” thor says, and loki can hear him smiling even if he cannot see it. "i just awoke from a most pleasant dream.”.
- privilege to love: to thor it seemed that loki fought with himself as much as with thor.
- precedent: “if you’re planning on being overly sentimental tonight just because you finally get to fuck me, i’d ask that you please don’t,” loki says, lifting his chin and looking decidedly unimpressed.
- praemolior: thor's just trying to see to his duties as best he can. loki is a very supportive brother.
- lay faith at your foundations: they are gods, and they are not: loki prefers to worship in his own way.
- (un)worthy of your love: "that you love me," he whispers, ignoring the voice inside his head that screams at him to run, to hide. "that I'm good."
- i can only give you everything: it has always felt natural to thor to want to take care of his brother and now that their relationship has developed into something more, thor of course wishes to care for loki in other ways, as well.
- midwinter: all loki has to do is say yes, go, and thor will leave.
- blood singing with your voice: “i embellished,” loki says, waving a dismissive hand. “i never actually lied. we’re here to hunt. you are, that is.”
- it takes the truth to fool me: after recovering from the initial shock, loki decided the only thing for it would be to seduce him.
- in the flesh: “only a hug, brother?” Thor stares.
- peter parker/wade wilson
- too hot: peter doesn’t know if he can keep his hands to himself with wade’s new look.
- like a record, baby: peter gets bitten by a spider, immediately runs into deadpool, and later keeps running into him, but as spider-man.
- i know for a fact i'm on your mind: wade keeps catching peter in the act. peter might seriously, actually die.
- you love it: wade rescues peter from a mad scientist, but he finds a strange device in the process. inexplicably, it makes peter orgasm.
- stop don't stop: unfortunate circumstances lead to peter and deadpool getting tied up in webs together.
- let me explain: (non-nsfw) peter's starting to realize just how much wade knows about him.
- sharp teeth: spiderman doesn't kill. but peter parker does.
- the weight of the whole world at your fingertips: one night, deadpool sees spider-man's face and then kisses him, sparking something unbreakable between them.
- i think i missed a step: peter thinks wade knows his secret identity, and wade is really confused by the hot coed who keeps popping up and hanging out with him.
- dead man walking: when a series of murders take place, peter parker goes undercover in sister margaret’s to get intel on the prime suspect: deadpool.
- the body remembers when the mind forgets: when people need a mate in their life, it isn't usually because they've forgotten they already have one.
- what are those utility boxes on rooftops called: peter likes deadpool's gloves. a lot.
- but today my heart swings: “what did i fucking say?!” deadpool yells from across the room. “‘don’t go into the drug lord’s sex den without me.’ i was very specific!”
- this heart needs something: peter gets hit by sex pollen. deadpool helps out. that should be the end of it.
- damage: peter parker finds himself in a sticky situation and who should show up to rescue him but the infamous deadpool?
- peter b. parker/miguel o'hara
- i've never felt like this before: peter and his unconventional ways of calming miguel down.
- under my skin: exploring the side effects and benefits of miguel’s venom.
- all that blue: “you and miguel,” lyla finally lands on. “they’re you and miguel and they’re married and in love. it happens in more universes than you’d think.”
- peter parker/matt murdock
- on the way home: “stay still. you’re acting like you’ve never done this before.”
- miles morales/miguel o'hara
- i savour every touch: “i meant,” miguel says slowly, like he’s trying to find words and yet both his languages are escaping him. “what can I do to help?”
- _gwen stacy/miguel o'hara__
- eddie brock/venom
- book worm: venom starts learning about human existence by reading magazines - decides eddie is doing a worse job at existing than previously thought.
- your heart is heavy and red: eddie can afford this luxury. venom will never leave him defenseless.
- the search for schmoo: in which eddie finds himself unprepared for the realities of klyntar sexuality, and venom considers the potential merits of viagra.
- meeting your anti hero: a wise person once said "venom looks like he would raw you at 3am in a gas station bathroom." it wasn't far from the truth, only it was 2am when it happened, not 3.
- pink like your togue going round: luckily, although occasionally frustratingly for venom, venom can't actually read eddie's thoughts word for word.
- i can't control my dreams: sleeping has been difficult ever since venom appeared into eddie's life.
- wrapped around your finger: venom goes about love in every wrong way he knows how.
- we're touching faces in the dark: venom doesn't sleep, but eddie does. so it comes out at night to explore.
- no secrets: venom goes through a growth spurt, and eddie feels its effect too. but instead of being ravenously hungry, eddie needs to fuck.
- heartthrob: eddie calls venom by a pet name, and venom likes it. maybe a little too much.
oct 21 2018 ∞
feb 27 2025 +