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☆ Fandom/series are in alphabetical order, including the etc. column; fics are not.
☆ All fics are nsfw unless marked non-nsfw.
☆ Fics are listed inside each column by pairing in order of quantity.
☆ Etc. column is fandoms that don't have enough fics to warrant their own column.
☆ No tags/tw's are listed.

  • steve harrington/billy hargrove
    • drip: "leave the door unlocked." nothing from steve but a few hitching breaths. "harrington," billy hisses, "you hear me about the door?"
    • animal in the flesh: when steve finds billy, he is a little less human than before, and a little bit more like an animal.
    • hot like a fever, make you a believer: fresh from the breakup with nancy, steve doesn't go home. instead, he decides to drink his pain away, find a distraction from dwelling on it, and to get back his crown.
    • only thing i'll ever do: “stay there,” billy says tersely. “stay there and shut up.”
    • in your heart, i find my home: it’s been over a month he’s been living with harrington, three since he’s been back and four since he died.
    • made monstrous: season 3 starts when the fight at byers house ends, fresh bruises and all, no break, and with new monsters.
    • a love thing: even five months after recovering from his injuries, billy still has residual effects from the mindflayer.
    • smoke signals: does he want billy hargrove in his fucking house?, something that sounds like nancy wheeler asks in his head, and something that sounds a lot more like himself answers a resounding yes.
    • right now, in your house: “do you want to be driven to your knees?” steve asks, putting his hands over billy’s where they’re clasped over his middle. “because I can be a bitch if you want, but you might not like it.”
    • gushin', drippin', slippin' down your thighs: billy gets hit with something from the upside down. steve has to handle the fall out.
    • we could be heroes: it's autumn of 1985. the summer changed everything, and it feels like nothing will ever be the same.
    • the one you come home too: steve is standing in the apartment he doesn't share with billy.
    • that newly added calmness: “i mean, i'd really like to know how your beard feels like against my ass."
    • do you want chicken alfredo for dinner?: steve sends billy some dirty messages and gets punished for it.
    • baby, you can get what you want: it’s like, steve knows he’s pretty fucked up. has known for a while, really, but it didn’t really make an appearance before billy hargrove came cruising into town, subsequently making both it and steve his bitch.
    • this yard is full of shards: a lifetime of abuse has left billy with scars that run deeper than steve could ever know.
    • crash: steve doesn't want to start paying attention to billy hargrove. it just kind of happens.
    • keep your heart open: “did you even like me before you found out i was your soulmate?”
    • star-crossed bullshit: billy makes a mixtape for when he fucks boys, except it’s on spotify, and he’s only fucking steve, and all the songs are oddly, and suspiciously, romantic. steve doesn’t get it, at first.
    • salted caramel: billy's all tan and smug and shitty and steve has. feelings about it. he's not too happy about it - billy's kind of a dick. and steve can't stop thinking about the way he smells. it's a problem.
    • tell me, what did you expect?: after the battle of starcourt, steve wakes up on his living room couch with billy hargrove standing over him. there’s something a little different about billy.
    • must've been high when i met you: and, like, billy's not even mad. not even a little.
    • noisemaker: steve's dying to know what billy sounds like.
    • if you wanna go anywhere: steve blinks perplexedly. aggressive eye contact is par for the course with hargrove, who only seems to have two speeds: asshole and utter psycho.
    • i can feel your heart beating under my skin: monster billy corners steve at the starcourt mall.
    • mercy: somewhere, in a dark corner of his mind, steve knows that he’s completely gone on billy hargrove.
    • maybe it's lust, maybe it's love: the one where steve and billy accidentally inhale some magic dust and suddenly find it virtually impossible to keep their hands off of each other.
  • steve harrington/jonathan byers/nancy wheeler
  • steve harrington/jonathan byers
    • the moment: sometimes, what a small town needs is a good love story.
nov 5 2019 ∞
apr 6 2024 +