• i've been developing this story about two lesbians (obviously) in mexico in the late 70s/early 80s. one of them is a writer (obviously) obsessed with the mexican revolution and writing a story about lesbians in the rev (meta) and the other is a cowboy forewardslash farmer forewardslash hermit forewordslash flirt. their mother's are family friends. they run into each other and end up finding a lot in common. did i mention the writer works in the local mercado. did i mention that the cowboy comes into town to buy their groceries and buys double of his favorite snack to offer one to the writer. i imagine developing it as a screenplay and having it be like one of those queer films where nothing happens but everything happens. this concept is mostly just a collection of headcanons for my ocs
  • the backrooms as levels of the inferno. something about aliens. there should be lesbians in here too
  • a pair of siblings. A dies and B lives on (miserably) until B accidentally uncovers a parallel universe where A is still alive, but the universe is fantastical and the law of time is different so A is the elder now. like narnia or something and they go on an adventure. i dunno.
  • historical romcom about the people of pompeii. (head in hands)


aug 17 2022 ∞
aug 17 2022 +