• people who walk more than slow.
  • people who comment on everything.
  • people who wear 3D glasses outside the cinema.
  • boys, learn to stand closer to the toilet as it's not a pretty sight seeing a little puddle.
  • typin lyke dis. ur nt a neanderthal.
  • people who talk on the phone for a full blown conversation when we're out. no, no i'l wait.
  • people who have to have it their way.
  • being retold a story more than twice.
  • people who have to say 'lol' in conversation.
  • people who think everything i like is shit because they don't find interest in it themselves.
  • 'you lost the game'. fuck off, you lose at life.
  • people moving my computer chair. it has to be in a perfect spot okay lol.
  • girls eyebrows... why let them grow in so much before you do something about them...
mar 17 2010 ∞
apr 26 2011 +