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I think it's important for you to know that you're valid and valued.
I hope you'll have a bright day filled with things to be thankful for.
Layout & profile picture by: @prinsomnia


D-14 (1 June)

  • Ahh.. We didn't win today but that's alright! Many many more awards to go :') But I just want to let you know how great you were today. Do you know that I'm so super proud of you? You choreographed such an amazing piece and I can't help but beam in pride whenever I see it being performed. Also, I know today was a busy day for all of you, so I hope you're resting well now. Goodnight bubbasquish.

P/S: I think the cameraman gave you a whole lotta good shots today. No complains!

D-13 (2 June)

  • WE WON SKLHCKSJ #DONTWANNACRY2NDWIN!!! Your outfit today was absolutely amazing I really like this casual look on you. But you looked so drained and sleepy in the morning I was real worried... But welps, after the win, you leapt out of the recording studio like an excited puppy it was wonderful :') I'm so glad that you got re-energised and thank you for being a sunshine today as usual.

D-12 (3 June)

  • I'm sorry we lost again :'( But thank you for putting up such a great performance today in both MuCore and DreamCon ^^ All of you handled the technical fault so professionally and adorably. I don't know why, but your solo part in Aju Nice gets me everytime, it's probably the footwork, I just genuinely love how casual and fun that step is! Sooo good job. You've worked hard today and we'll work even harder ><

D-11 (4 June)

  • You all weren't nominated for Inki today but aaa that's okay! There was a fan meet today and I reaaaally liked your outfit. The FILA shirt really suits you well, your outerwear was woke and amazing too. The previews today were way too adorable, you were smiling so much! I couldn't stop saving them tbh :')

P/S: I started a thread on Seventeen reassuring Carats' insecurities and it's getting quite a few good responses ^^ I do hope that this thread will be a reminder to everyone that they're beautiful.

D-10 (5 June)

  • Nothing much happened today but the thread kinda blew up :') I actually teared up in the middle of class because the responses were so positive and it's so overwhelming. So many Carats told me that they needed this, this helped them, this made them feel better and I can't thank the world enough. I'm so happy this thread is reaching/managed to reach the Carats who needed it;; I'm using the strength you and Seventeen gave me to spread even more positivity and I'll keep doing so!!

D-09 (6 June)

  • Today was a pretty calm day too, I had a long day of project discussion and I think you all had no schedule? I do hope that you're all resting well at home, or are doing healing things! I hope that all of you are eating well and resting well. Especially you, I hope you're not stressing out over choreographies or work related stuff... Seeing you being physically drained is the worst thing ever, and I'm get worried when I wonder if you're mentally drained as well. But I trust that you know what to do? Please take good care of yourself alright? The only thing I can do is nag at you on twitter :')

D-08 (7 June)

  • #DONTWANNACRY3RDWIN! Today marks the date of the third win! And hey whenever you all hold a menpa, you win an award soooo... :-) Please? Heh.

Anyways, I'm extra worried about you today. I saw the calluses again and it seems like they increased. I know it can't be helped because it's floor work and yeah as a dancer we all know that plasters don't work :') But I really hope that they aren't hurting too badly? Because from the looks of it those aren't old, they're recent ones... Take care of your health alright? It's 8 more days till we celebrate your day!

D-07 (8 June)

  • Soonyoung-ah, I had a long day today but thanks to Seventeen I gained a lot of strength. I hope you had a good day too even though we didn't manage to get a 4th win today... The picnic live erformance was great, Seventeen did so well and I'm so proud of you. You danced well and sang well, I saw many people compliment you ^^ I really beamed in pride. The choreography video for DWC is finally out(at exactly 10:10), did you decide this? Heh, but either ways, it's amazing and I hope you know you're doing so so well. Have a good rest tonight!

D-06 (9 June)

  • I've been having really long days recently huh? But when I saw your pictures this morning my heart really broke. You were so drained, I could clearly see the bags under your eyes. It was so hard for you to even try to be energetic and it really made me so sad. I was mad at you for not taking care of yourself, but I was more mad at myself for not being able to do anything. I know you can't do much because, well... life as an idol we all know the drill. But I really do wish that you got enough enough rest, and all of Seventeen too.

P/S: I'm not mad at you for real, I can never :') I have a soft spot for you and it's so frustrating ;;

D-05 (10 June)

  • YOU WERE WAY TOO ADORABLE TODAY JFWHLKJ You need to stay away from fluffy things because dude you're fluffy enough okay stop. I have so many pictures saved today thanks to you :') Thank you to Seventeen for celebrating Junhui's birthday so well, I'm sure it made him feel better since he couldn't go home. And you're such dorks, wishing him once in KST and once in his hometown's time. But let the boy bathe in peace please :')

D-04 (11 June)

  • You wore that 'covered' shirt that I am absolutely in love with;; Are you trying to make me jealous because I aam very jealous that you get to wear that shirt >:( But anyways I saved many pictures from the fansign today again because you are so so so adorable beyond words. Especially when you gently but excitedly hugged that huge bouquet of roses;; You looked so happy and in bliss. I hope you were genuinely happy today and receoved all the love that you deserve.

D-03 (12 June)

  • I had a very long day today so I wasn't around on twitter a lot but I found out that Hurricane is actually completed (with choreography!!) I really really can't wait to see it. Will you perform it in Diamond Edge for the first time :') And and you've been dropping so many choreo spoilers for Swimming Fool so can you just release it already? Please and thank you ;;

D-02 (13 June)

  • #DONTWANNACRY4TH WIN!!!!!!! Chan did a menpa, which I completely missed ;; But omg congratulations!! kdsjfnk You all were too sweet, changing the fanchant to "carat-deul gomawo sa-rang-hae" and guess who's voice was the most noticeable? Yeah you :') And you all gave sooo many hearts to carats... Is it really okay for us to receive this much love;; Anyways, you all had 'fanPD' straight after the show and all of you were so happy and energetic, it's really such a beautiful day.

D-01 (14 June)

  • #DONTWANNACRY5THWIN I really want to cry. Listen the number 5 is so lucky dude, your birthday? 1(5) June, you are the 5th member according to age, today is the 5th win, you stan SHINee (a strong OT5 team) :') My heart is warm. And aaaa just less than 2 hours to your birthday and honestly I didn't prepare much... But I hope it's good enough.

D-00 (15 June)

  • We had our 6th win today, everything was great today. I hope you had a lovely day precious boy, because you deserve everything good the universe can offer.
may 31 2017 ∞
may 8 2018 +