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I think it's important for you to know that you're valid and valued.
I hope you'll have a bright day filled with things to be thankful for.
Layout & profile picture by: @prinsomnia


To: Kwon Soonyoung, Hoshi

Happy birthday Soonyoung :') (I know I rarely call you by your birth name openly but hey, it's your special day)

First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart. For existing, for working hard towards your dreams, and for becoming Seventeen. I don't know how else I'm able to show my thanks towards your existence and I don't know if I ever will be able to? I don't know how I went from just admiring your dance, to you motivating me through tough days, to me now being so used to having you around (well not physically but ykwim). I'm actually quite scared of getting used to your presence, because I don't ever want to take you for granted, so... hmmm let me promise you something here. I'll keep trying to listen harder and watch you harder, and I'll keep trying to get to know you better everyday. You're constantly reaching out to thousands and thousands of people, and I'd like to reach out to you too. I wish I could do more than words, but this shall do as of now...

I haven't been here from the start but I'm so proud and thankful to say that I'm witnessing such a vital time of your growth. I'm so happy that you're starting to see all the greatness within you that I was so terrified that you'll never. To see you accepting yourself and loving yourself slowly has got to be one of the best things to ever see. I'm also so happy that you got to show how beautiful your voice is through masked singer, you really broke the stereotype that you set out to break;; Thank you for still inspiring me everyday no matter big or small.

I still feel your energy well, whether positive or negative, bright or dark. Your bright energy is almost incomparable, and it can be felt no matter how far the stadium is or 10,000 miles through a screen. Your down-days hurt, and I think about how I can't do more to protect you. I hope that by small actions, I can be apart of a bigger change to safeguard your well-being. I'm thankful that you're so real, for showing your emotions well, and I hope that that never changes.

I'm frustrated that I can't seem to sort my thoughts out well, how do I describe this heck lot of feelings,, You can't blame me for that okay. I sometimes think about what I want to tell you, but they all come to, "Eat well, drink lots of water." again and again. It isn't much but I guess if I could ever ask for one thing from you, it's for you to take care of yourself. For if you're well, you can do all that you want. Your mental and physical health is my utmost concern.

Well, I know I can go on for ages so I'll end this here. Keep catching light with your pretty eyes, keep smiling with your asymmetrical face, keep calling yourself cute in the mirror, keep dancing your heart out, keep eating well, keep working hard, keep learning humbly, keep chasing for your own happiness, just keep being you okay Soonyoung? 약속.

Happy birthday buddo, you're great, greater than you can ever imagine.

- Jan (@DandelionHoshi)

jun 15 2018 ∞
feb 21 2019 +