• Successful people are people who think about their goals in their private time as well.
  • People at CMU are resources. Don't be at all afraid to use them for asking questions or telling things to or whatever. You'll never see them after graduation (super soon).
  • Grades means less sleep sometimes.
  • You retain information when you learn and then relearn and review it in different places at different times.
  • When someone makes the decision to dead you, you need to commit them to that and let them live in the you-less life they have chosen. They made their decision and they now need to live with it, they don't get to have the benefits of you if they didn't earn it.
  • Work on yourself and you won't be so desperate for others.
  • I can actually perform just as well as these other people when I put in the work and the hours of studying.
  • STUDY PLACES - scott hall, wean library, hunt 3rd floor, starbucks, porter empty classroom if with someone.
  • You can get over anyone! With enough time and your own friends and healthy behaviors :)
  • Working out is something actually a lot of people do, and it can make you feel really good about yourself. Like I'm talking about serious self confidence booster here.
  • Trying hard is not a bad thing.
oct 21 2015 ∞
may 10 2016 +