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theres confetti under my fingernails and glitter in between the sheets, the bottoms of cups, the cracks in the floor boards.
i only eat pearlescent jello and drink pink milk.
call me an angel. call me a star. call me a dream come true.
my mamma wants to know who i am. i tell her i'm love personified.

listography NEW NEWS
ghost home and garden (plants)
constelacione... music (playlist 2025)
music (25' albums)
dreams (2025)

tw: suicide

it seems to be getting more and more frustrating with each passing day. i don't even know! it feels like i've had at least 50 exams for each subject (which at this point may as well be true) and it's a bit more frustrating knowing that i'm pretty much set up for failure (thank you british education system for your classism, you never cease) especially knowing i've had a total of 4 months of teaching for the entire year. being set up from an early age to be this A-grade student who would certainly pass everything with flying colours has fallen in on itself embarrassingly for everyone involved, i think.

not sure i've ever seen such a miserable procession the way i see my classmates walk home every day. it really is a mental health crisis. i think just about every last one of us is tempted to throw ourselves in front of the cars driving past (it's a bit obvious with the amount of times i hear "_i want to die_" in the corridors everyday). if i were to become a martyr for any cause, i think doing it to tell the SQA to go fuck themselves is a good one.

may 21 2021 ∞
may 21 2021 +