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theres confetti under my fingernails and glitter in between the sheets, the bottoms of cups, the cracks in the floor boards.
i only eat pearlescent jello and drink pink milk.
call me an angel. call me a star. call me a dream come true.
my mamma wants to know who i am. i tell her i'm love personified.

listography NEW NEWS
ghost home and garden (plants)
constelacione... music (playlist 2025)
music (25' albums)
dreams (2025)

it's hard to not feel like i'm wasting all the best years of my life, y'know? best is subjective i guess but it's like i've been fed this lie that being sixteen will be the best thing ever or something and now i just feel scammed. i don't know. i'm missing out on things and i don't know what they are.

if i could have one wish from a genie it would be to like?? travel back in time or something but keep all of my knowledge. i'd do anything to be 12 again but know what it's like. i didn't get the childhood friends everyone else seemed to have at that age, i didn't have this beautiful coming of age tale. it's hard to not be jealous of people who have those stories to tell. there's so many people i wish i could've known when i was younger.

i don't know, man. mental health and being in the closet and everything has just robbed me of those experiences and it takes so much effort to not let myself be bitter about it everyday. i hope that feeling goes away one day.

may 22 2021 ∞
may 22 2021 +