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theres confetti under my fingernails and glitter in between the sheets, the bottoms of cups, the cracks in the floor boards.
i only eat pearlescent jello and drink pink milk.
call me an angel. call me a star. call me a dream come true.
my mamma wants to know who i am. i tell her i'm love personified.

listography NEW NEWS
ghost home and garden (plants)
constelacione... music (playlist 2025)
music (25' albums)
dreams (2025)
  • save money (gap year won't pay for itself)
  • write poetry again
  • write in my diary every night
  • learn how to bind books
  • delete social media for at least a year, if not permanently
  • learn gàidhlig
  • memorise at least 20 poems
  • relearn guitar and learn piano
  • bleach a strip of my hair
  • work in some old man sports pub
  • record myself every morning for a year
  • annotate a book
may 20 2021 ∞
jun 11 2021 +