• Stepping outside in the snow was really fucking beautiful. I was happy. An hour and thirty minutes later, I'm crouched on the sidewalk, hands numb and stiff, with snot drooling out of my nose.
  • the moment i made eye contact, he was half way down the stairs and you were halfway between doing a weird squat bounce-dance-move thing, and i met his eyes, our eyes fucking met, and his mouth was hanging open and then transformed into the goofiest fucking smile ever, and he said, "Kelly?"
  • And you said, "Yes! Did you almost not recognize me?" My hair was pitch black against the snowy backdrop.
  • And in that stupid moment, you forgot about everything. And closed your dumb eyes and your dumb mouth was warm and happy.
  • There's nothing that can take away my happiness other than my own brain. I'm happy, and I made it up 4 flights of stairs, laughing and screaming on the top of my lungs in record time. I could punch someone right now.
  • I know this feeling will be gone soon and I'll be depressed again, but I don't really care until the I'm actually in a sobbing heap. Right now, I feel good.
dec 10 2014 ∞
jul 31 2016 +