since i accidently fell asleep at 5 pm today, i slept 6.5 hours and i will not be able to sleep all night.. THEREFORE. I need to be productive with this time
- update my listography
- find a new picture off the internet to replicate to draw in my sketchbook
- clean my room (i guess it'd be too late to vacuum, our neighbors would probobly hate us. one of the many downfalls of living in a fricken condo)
- do that french packet i was assigned today
- find my resume
- edit it.
- Finish my tim horton's application
- NTS: get my social security number from mom
- find that 50 dollar bill somewhere in my room.. hmm
- organize my makeup and hair stuff and products etc
- wash my makeup brushes
- do that english citing assignment
- read the poverty book for english + get one more source card