main | ongoing | archive | private |
tin can telephones | pg | 2.3k | baekhyun gets laryngitis and kyungsoo takes care of him | canon
talk shows on mute | pg 13 | 2k | canon | baeksoo on wolf promo radio shows feat. "cinderella"
countdown | pg 13 | 1.2k | baek cheats on kyungsoo
doesn't remind me of anything | pg 15 | 2.3k | domestic!au | baekhyun's hot at home and kyungsoo's out
YOURS + MINE® | nc 17 | 7.8k
when you smile, sun shines | pg | 5.5k | baekhyun and kyungsoo leave notes in a coffe shop
(you and i) two of a mind | pg 13 | 4.4k | canon | baek is kyungsoo's biggest fan