justin timberlake eat your heart out | g | 1.9k

  • baekhyun guest stars as the girl in jongin's next solo stage.

tell them | pg 13 | 1.5k | baekhyun leaves jongin but jongin doesn't know why

  • Time goes on in slow motion for the broken-hearted, each drag of the second hand splitting cracks on already broken pavements, tearing holes in already fallen skies.

built to last | g | 1.6k | baekhyun and jongin meet in the restroom and eventually fall in love

  • “Believe me, I would choose a far more romantic place if I knew I’d bump into you.” “Oh, so you do want to see me again?”

live wire | nc 17 | 6.7k | baek's a vampire and he can't resist his impulses

  • The morning after Baekhyun signs with SM Entertainment, he swears off human blood.
apr 4 2013 ∞
jul 25 2013 +