touch me, don't touch me | pg13 | two shot | baek gets a massage

  • Baekhyun doesn't like being touched. At least, he's pretty sure he doesn't like being touched. Right?

into the new world | nc 17 | 4.4k | baekhyun has to shower with tao | canon

  • Tao is the last person with whom Baekhyun should be sharing a shower...mostly because he's also the one person that Baekhyun really wants to share a shower with.

we lie awake at night | nc 17 | 58k | boarding school!au | crime | mystery surrounds the death of zitao's father *** FAVE

  • when zitao is sixteen, his father dies and it feels like the end of everything. it's only the beginning.
apr 1 2013 ∞
jul 28 2013 +