voice of my heart | g | 21k | ;A; so cute

  • Lu Han is a meddlesome friend and Yixing insists he's happy with his life. But life happens in the most unexpected of ways, and Chen is nothing if not unexpected. Chobits!AU

love, will you turn out the lights | nc 17 | 8.8k | canon | idk how to describe this

  • Yixing has lived his life in fragments. Or, the shadows that line Zhang Yixing's life.

worth | pg 13 | 7.1k | yixing doesn't feel good enough

  • Jongdae is a highly respected academic, and Yixing, though successful and happy where he is in life, has no degree. It starts causing friction in Yixing and Jongdae's lives.

緣分 | 22.8k | yixing can't remember who he is and has to trust jongdae

  • no matter what life throws at them, they're bound together like the red thread lu han compares them to. they have a love affair that can be stretched or tangled, but will never break.
apr 28 2013 ∞
feb 18 2014 +