not what i asked | nc 17 | 2.4k | unrequited love and sex

  • Wu Fan can't find his keys, so he goes to drink some coffee.

love until we bleed | nc 17 | one shot/short | kris saves suho and they have a lot of sex

  • "every god is a god of death."

repression | pg | 2.1k | suho doesn't move out of his shared apartment after they break up so he gets coffee

  • “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were big things.”— Kurt Vonnegut

angel is the centerfold | nc 17 | 4.9k | junmyeon stars in a gay porn magazine and finds an attractive one night stand

  • Joonmyun poses nude in a magazine to throw a little excitement into his painfully dull life. The last thing he expects is to stumble into a relationship because of it
apr 6 2013 ∞
aug 23 2013 +