那些年 | pg | 7k | sehun is a hooligan but falls in love with the star student and happy and love i'm cry

  • In those bygone years, 鹿晗 will always remain the one person that 世勋 loved the most.

you are unreal | pg 13 | one shot | sehun falls in love with his only friend

  • no description

never let you go; 童话 | pg 13 | 2k | sehun doesn't believe in happy endings anymore. 童话 screams ***

  • sehun doesn't believe in fairytales and happy endings. lu han is determined to change that

回家 | pg 13 | 2k

  • luhan goes home with a boy again and again.

two moons | pg 13 | 5.1k | mama!au

  • We’re all under the same moon.

the apex | nc 17 | sehun likes to fuck luhan after he shoots the previous lover'

  • Sehun has a thing for watching other people fuck Luhan, then putting a bullet through their brain right before they climax.

if a son could get me you | pg | 6.5k | oh sehun is a kindergarten teacher and luhan's son is his student

  • no description

take your dog for a walk (even if you don't have one) | pg 13 | 11.7k | sehun's the new intern and luhan's his very very touchy boss

  • lu han dispenses touches like candy. and he’s so adorable. sehun hates him. definitely maybe.

and the tables were turned | nc 17 | one shot | bdsm like wowie

  • lu han thinks sehun is boring in bed, but of course, sehun proves him wrong || lu han/sehun || nc-17 || warning: bdsm--gagging, handcuffing, blindfolding

流沙 – Quicksand | pg | one shot | canon | luhan's new at sm and sehun shows him around

  • _"我以为我早想清楚, 不由自主恍恍惚惚, 又走回头路, 再看一眼."

I thought I had thought clearly, but in a haze, I find myself turning back, to take another look._ by the time the bar closes | pg 13 | 10.5k | political!au | sehun's set up with luhan

  • Lu Han works at the United Nations, Zitao steals office supplies, Wu Fan owns a feng shui gong, and Sehun is....Sehun.

buttoned up; 互扣 | pg 13 | 12.1k | luhan is running a psychology experiment and sehun's his subject

  • sehun is emotionally & verbally crippled. but yay, lu han is there to save our ship. on the sideline, chanyeol harasses yifan on a regular basis

sarang, sarang, sarang | nc 17 | 4k | cafe!au | sehun's a uni and luhan's waiter at his favorite restaurant who ends up helping him with his homework

  • In which Lu Han is a clumsy waiter at Sehun's favorite cafe. But it's Sehun who falls the hardest.
apr 4 2013 ∞
sep 22 2013 +