reading list
referencial teórico
- liderança
- 1. BENNIS, W., NANUS, B. Líderes: estratégias para assumir a verdadeira liderança. São Paulo: Harbra, 1988, p. 5.
- 2. HOLLANDER,E. P. Leadership dynamics - a practical guide to efectíve relatíonshíps. New York: lhe Free Press, 1978.
- 3. FIEDLER, F. A theory of leadershíp effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967, p. 3.
- 6. HAMPTON, D. R., SUMMER,C. E., WEBER, R. A. Organizational behavior and pratice of management. USA: Sccot Foresman and Company, 1978, p.615.
- 7. HOUSE, R. J. A path-goaltheory of leader etteciiveness.USA: Adminlstrative ScienceQuartely, 1971, p. 324.
- liderança femininina
- john stacy adams
- J.S. Adams, “Inequity in social exchanges”, em L. Berkowits (Ed,), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, (New York: Academic Press, 1965), p.p 267-300.
- S. Romen, “Equity perception in multiple comparisons: A field Study”, Human relations, Abril 1986, p.p. 333-346.
- PS. Goodman, "An examination of referents Used in the Evaluation of pay", Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, out. 1974, p. 170-195
- C.T. Kulik e M.L Ambrose "Personal and Situational Determinants of Referent Choice", Academy of Managament Review, abr. 1992, p. 212-237.
- E. Walster, G.W. Walster e W.G Scott, Equity Theory and research. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1978; e J. Greenberg, "Cognitive Reevaluation of Outcomes in Response to Underpayment Inequity", Academy of Management Journal, mar. 1989, p.174-184.
- J. Greenberg e S. Ornstein, 1983 apud Stephen P. Robbins, "Comportamento Organizacional", (ed,) 11, 2005. p. 146-148
- Stephen P. Robbins, "Comportamento Organizacional", (ed,) 11, 2005. p. 146-148 e E.g. ultimatum games show, that the maximation of outcomes is only one of several objectives for an individual. In order to foster rules desired by an individual, the individual may be willing to sacrifice maximum outcomes.
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- lei de greve
- contribuição sindical, confederativa e assistencial
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