• Write a script.

This is for your portfolio. Look, here's some suggestions as to materials you can use. Make a script for one of your shorts. Then, remember that Gapo script you did back in high school? Make something of the sort -- only better! You can use one of your favorite books. I'd recommend "Para Kay B" but you lost your copy. You can borrow Tin's "Amapola" though. DO ONE CHAPTER. WRITE A FROGGING (YES, FROGGING!) SCRIPT FOR Doll Eyes, The Graveyard Book, and/or The Lover's Dictionary. Write a script for a pilot episode of a good TV show. You can do drama and sitcom. OOOOR, sa YT series. ;)

  • Finish one story per month.

You already have your titles and plots. Time to flesh them out and let them live their lives. Your story blog is getting lonely. :P

  • Try writing actual articles on your blog.

About what? Well, let's start small. Write an article about food. A recipe, maybe. You can also write about the food stalls in UP (you'd have to reacquaint yourself with them though -- or just make it a memoir of sorts).

  • Write letters and send them.

For the love of --!! Start caring again! Best way to do it is by writing letters and expressing your feelings about these people. You still feel, right? Be mindful of your words though. You are writing letters, not rants. :)

mar 5 2013 ∞
mar 5 2013 +