• A museum quality installation exhibition of the dishware in your cupboard complete with artist statement.
  • Jared Padalecki does not love Excel Documents. Post one to him on twitter that might change his opinion.
  • Many people got their whole lives without really getting to know thier neighbors. Find a neighbor you've never met and offer to sweep their patio, mow their lawn, or help them with some other task they have to do.
  • Take a mug-shot of yourself holding a black & white sign stating yoru city and country of residence.

The only one I'm worried about is the third one because a) shyness and b) I'm not sure if the neighbors who live across from me have a dog anymore because the only thing I'd feel comfortable doing is walking someone's dog. Still, it doesn't hurt to try! I'm sure there's a neighbor around here somewhere that has a dog that needs walking. The only question is if they'll let me.

aug 3 2014 ∞
aug 19 2014 +