- watch movies
- harry potter
- eclipse
- despicable me
- the illusionist
- the prestige
- original longest yard
- the other guys
- Eat
- eat chocolate fondue
- benihanas
- crawdaddys
- sushi buffet
- q-cup
- outback
- cooking papa
- red robins
- tie-dye
- bowl
- malibu grand prix
- new bracelets
- jelly belly factory
- learn how to play dominos
- happy hollow zoo
- go to casa de fruita zoo instead
- go to the beach (with cool sand)
- go to disneyland
- visit shouka again
- picnic
- ice skatingg
- hear mario kart love song played by you
- play on a tire swing
- long ass bike ride
- hike
- rock climb
- stargazingg
- sleep outside
- sleep the day away
- go camping
- justin's secret kidnap trip
- joanne's secret kidnap trip
- help me pack
aug 11 2010 ∞
jan 3 2011 +