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i've been fighting with myself since i dropped out of high school. i've been lost the majority of my adult life. i've been confused for as long as i can remember. i have a shit ton of hate, and hostility, and i'm agro as fuck for whatever reason. i've dabbled in just about everything and have had a lifetime of experiences jam packed in the past 7 years. if you think you know about what i've been ...

Azulia music (Favorite Tori Song Ever)
listography TERMS
  • step 1: kick heroin-get on methadone maintenance
  • step 2: get off your lazy ass and get a job!
  • step 3: get rid of all the negative baggage in your life (i.e. shitty junkie roommates)
  • step 4: move to a stress free environment (i.e. mom's house) ok, not completely stress free but heroin free!!! yee!!!
  • step 5: quit all bad habits//triggers (i.e. junk food, laziness, smoking pot)
  • step 6: get on a schedule and stick to it (see daily routine list)
  • step 7: meditation really helps, i swear.
  • step 8: eating heathy, is good, duh. but for people like me that are insanely skinny, eating lots of fiber, protein, and vitamins and minerals will really help pack on the pounds.
  • step 9: take vitamins daily
  • step 10: exercise the demons! (i.e. bike ride, workout, yoga, etc.)
  • step 11: educate yourself; you'd never realize how much reading and researching stuff you are interested in makes you feel better about yourself, knowledge is power, power is sexy, you are sexy!
  • step 12: really look at yourself in the mirror; don't just look at your face, look into your eyes and stare yourself down.
  • step 13: do things that make you happy (i.e. make over, nails, shopping, what-have-you)
  • step 14: tell yourself "i am beautiful" and mean it, if you can't find a way you can. do what you must to really feel beautiful.
  • step 15: organize your life, it makes everything so much easier.

p.s. i actually did all these things ;)

aug 11 2012 ∞
aug 11 2012 +