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i've been fighting with myself since i dropped out of high school. i've been lost the majority of my adult life. i've been confused for as long as i can remember. i have a shit ton of hate, and hostility, and i'm agro as fuck for whatever reason. i've dabbled in just about everything and have had a lifetime of experiences jam packed in the past 7 years. if you think you know about what i've been ...

Azulia music (Favorite Tori Song Ever)
listography TERMS
  • learn to play guitar and harmonica.
  • successfully write and perform my own music.
  • travel the USA and Canada with my daughter.
  • go horse back riding.
  • find a tree-house community and stay there for period of time.
  • go to as many rainbow gathering freehippielove type festivals as i can.
  • spend a long while gallivanting with the many different faces of the haight ashubury district, get into mucho shenanigans.
  • learn to be free.
  • drop acid with old souls, gain knowledgeable insight on many different things.
  • go on a crystal dig.
  • sew an entire wardrobe for myself.
  • rid my life of unnecessary rubbage.
  • get both arms sleeved.
  • learn to tattoo.
  • make a career out of being myself.
  • meet as many unique interesting amazingly-odd people as i can, and make friends everywhere i go.
  • have a conversation with my mother before she dies.
  • come clean to my dad about being a pothead.
  • find a place to live where i can go out at night meet my new best friend or go on an amazing adventure.
jun 30 2010 ∞
jun 30 2010 +