• People excusing their rudeness because strong opinions are the family trait..'You know me, I'm not going to apologise, that's just the Henderson way'
  • Spiteful, ill-informed, jealousy induced opinions.
  • The English way that we have to prove ourselves before we're liked. I just like to like people until they prove themselves to be an asshole.
  • Important things never getting talked about while the weather gets talked about every day. Eff the snow, one time I would like to be able to have a real talk with my parents
  • My flatmates eating all my ketchup and putting rubbish where the bin used to be and buying frozen food and cheese and then just leaving it out and leaving all lights on and windows open and practising kung fu with our table at 3am.
dec 18 2009 ∞
dec 18 2009 +