• The freezer door, stupid thing never shuts so I wake up to snow everywhere.
  • When I forget my belt, pick tights that have become looses and get knickers that are too big. All that pulling up makes for the worst days.
  • Mr Bean's Holiday.
  • Stepping out my door and into the path of Big Issue sellers, charity workers and their clipboards, promotion girls, drunk beggars, fake phony beggars, jehovah's witnesses..
  • Afternoon naps and afternoon cinema trips. I'm always always a little disorientated after these mid day naps or film trips.
  • Plans
  • Those pesky boys who smoke naughty cigarettes underneath my window so my room fills up with that smell and I go a little silly for a few minutes. Wasn't so bad the first time but I've been trying to revise lately!
  • Things being borrowed but never returned. That is a steal not a borrow!
  • That orang-utan from Babe 2 in the green velvet suit. Gives me the willies.
  • anality, banality..
  • straws with my whiskies
  • shoes with holes and rainy pavements..squidgefoot!
  • Muscley women
  • Hot coffee in paper cups. I almost always have a wilting cup by the time the coffee's cooled down.
  • When people end sentences with FACT.
  • Tea
  • Milk
  • Nuts in my brownies, nuts in my ice-cream, nuts in my cake, my curries, my salads, my cereal, my chocolate spread, my coffees, my bread. Should I eat any of these foods I don't want nuts in with it! Hate nuts.
  • Beige
  • Grey hair, gold chains, shiny black leggings and fur. Bristol girls getting it wrong.

All done!

apr 26 2009 ∞
jun 12 2009 +